How do I natively log output from the PowerShell Invoke-Sqlcmd?
I am using Invoke-Sqlcmd to loop through a large (50,000-90,000 SQL files w/ 1-10 inserts in each) set of small SQL insert statements. Most of the insert statements run correctly, but a few of the strings are too long and I get the "string or binary data would be truncated" error.
Right now I am using Start-Transcript to capture the output and identify the problematic insert statements, but Start-Transcript captures everything. I'd like to only catch the errors -or- just catch the Invoke_Sqlcmd statement output.
If this worked (as I believe it should), I would be all set:
Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile $sql -ServerInstance LocalHost -Database Test_DB -Credential $pwd -Verbose -OutputSqlErrors $true | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Temp\Errorlog.txt" -Append
Or if this worked:
Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile $sql -ServerInstance LocalHost -Database Test_DB -Credential $pwd -Verbose -OutputSqlErrors $true | Tee-Object -FilePath "C:\Temp\Errorlog.txt" -Append
But neither of those work.
I have also tried this monstrosity but I don't get any errors at all from it:
$sqls = (Get-ChildItem -Path "I:\2019_06_24\_SQL"-Filter *.sql | Sort-Object -Property CreationTime).FullName
foreach ($sql in $sqls)
Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile $sql -ServerInstance LocalHost -Database Test_DB -Credential $pwd -Verbose -OutputSqlErrors $true
'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' | Out-File "C:\Temp\Errorlog.txt" -Append
$sql | out-file -filepath "C:\Temp\Errorlog.txt" -Append
$Error | out-file -filepath "C:\Temp\Errorlog.txt" -Append
How do I log directly from the Invoke-Sqlcmd statement?