Say have table like:
user_uuid | value | state
uuid_1 | 111 | t
uuid_1 | 111 | f
uuid_1 | 111 | f
uuid_1 | 111 | f
uuid_2 | 333 | t
uuid_2 | 444 | t
uuid_2 | 555 | f
uuid_3 | 666 | t
uuid_4 | 777 | f
uuid_1 | 222 | t
uuid_1 | 222 | t
Task is select total count for each user_uuid and percent from total count to count with some value and state. For example: total count for uuid_1 is 6.
We need to get percent with value = 111 and status 'true'.
For 'uuid_1' count is 1. So need to calculate percent from 1 to 6
For 'uuid_2' and others counts are 0 so percents are 0 too.
I tryid this SQL:
SELECT tq.user_uuid
, COUNT(1) AS total
, t.cnt
FROM test_query tq
JOIN (SELECT COUNT(user_uuid) AS cnt FROM test_query ) AS t
BY tq.user_uuid, t.cnt;
But i cannot get how to select in JOIN part count for some conditions (like state=true, value=111)