So I know this question is crazy. I just spent days trying to solve this but i think it's impossible.

I have a table with a CreatedDate as a VARCHAR field.

10/7/2019 7:12:59 AM

What I need to to is to convert this date into those dates we see on MongoDB or Json files. It should be like this:


is there a way to do this? I tried to convert to datetime, I tried substring, left right. I can force the -03:00 at the end.

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(33), getdate(), 126)

With this I can convert a datetime field and thats the problem.

1 Answer 1


somewhat old but still ...


convert(datetime,'24/05/2012 09:56:06',103)

set your column containing the varchar as the second parameter - 103 is for the --/--/---- format ..

I tested above command against a SQL Server 2014 and it works when you omit leading zeroes - and also with AM / PM addition so perfect for your case

The only thing that needs some more work is your desired addition of the timezone, but I highly suggest adding that only for display, not in the actual database

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