- I'm using mongodb 4.2.0
- I have deployed a mongo cluster which contain 5 configs, 3 querys and 3 - shards. Each shard consist of 4 replicas and 1 arbiter.
- All members are set on VMs.
- ReplicaSets writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault flag is true.
- Test conducted with pymongo
The Test:
Before implementing the cluster on the production environment, I've conducted several "stress tests". I have created a simple script that performs many inserts to the cluster and returns the amount of successful inserts.
When I run and stop the script everything is just fine. The number of inserts_count is identical to the count of documents in the collection.
BUT, When I run the script and then PowerOff the Primary member, I'm facing a hitch. My script's insert_count is bigger (10-20) than the count of documents in my collection. I assume that I'm losing data.
I got successful insert acknowledge even though my replicaSet is set writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault true.
Raising the primary doesn't help to retrieve the lost data.
I think the data was still in memory!
I believe that there is some malfunction with the journaling setting.
Please help me understand what am I doing wrong.
I tried insert with {w: majority, j: true, wtimeout: 5000} parameters.
Same results :/