The mysql version that I use is :
'version_comment','MySQL Community Server (GPL)'
This is the db table structure (relevant parts) that I m working with (table name access_logs) :
id| EventTime | EventType | EventName ... | event_log_domain_id
the table has approximately 11mil records.
These are the common ways that the data is queried :
1) Using in statement with event_log_domain_id
and performing count
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `access_logs ` WHERE `access_logs`.`event_log_domain_id ` IN (8, 59, 920, 1054, 2227) AND `access_logs `.`EventType ` = 1
2) Not Using in statement with event_log_domain_id
and performing count
FROM access_logs USE INDEX(event_log_domain_id)
WHERE `access_logs`.`event_log_domain_id ` = 1304
AND `access_logs`.`EventType ` = 1
3) Not performing the count
SELECT `access_logs `.* FROM access_logs WHERE `access_logs `.`event_log_domain_id ` = 1304 AND `access_logs `.`EventType ` IN (1, 5) ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 50
I have indexes on both event_log_domain_id
and EventType
Count performance is by far the worst. It seems like count queries don't even use the indexing. Even when I provide the index name, for ex :
FROM `access_logs` USE INDEX(event_log_domain_id)
WHERE `access_logs`.`event_log_domain_id` IN (8, 59, 920, 1054, 2227 )
AND `access_logs`.`EventType` = 1
Does not help improve the performance much, may even make it worse.
On the other hand the select query(#3) does perform better when providing USE IDEX
I was also thinking about adding composite index on both event_log_domain_id
and EventType
. Rebuilding indexes takes somewhat long so I don't want to just randomly try stuff out without understanding the performance implications first.
Is there a special index I can create for the count operations? At this point for the worst case scenario the query #1 and #2 runtime is about 240 sec or 120 each.
EXPLAIN {query1}
output for estimated rows.SHOW CREATE TABLE