I want to write a report that gets all the permissions for every Login in our SQL server farm. For now I can get the logins but get stuck there trying to connect the logins to roles. Haven't even found a way to get the roles yet. Are there PowerShell functions available for this or do I need to write sql statements and parse the results with PowerShell? Alternatively, Am i making it too complicated and should get to the information from a different angle?
#Get all the logins for every server
#Filters out all "NT Service" and "NT Authority" accounts as well as MSPolicy Accounts
$SQLLogins = Get-SqlLogin -ServerInstance $DefaultServerList | Where {($_.name -notmatch "^NT Service\\.*") -and ($_.name -notmatch "^NT AUTHORITY\\.*") -and ($_.name -notmatch "##.*##")}
#For every one, determine the permissions
ForEach ($Login in $SQLLogins) {
Write-Host $Login.name " " $Login.Parent.Name