I'm aware that I can read from any cassandra node and it acts as coordinator to read from the node containing a specific partition, but can I read data only from the partition which is on the node I'm connecting to?

In other words, when a cassandra cluster has 10 nodes, it contains 10 partitions on each node (and maybe replicas on other nodes when RF is set). When I send a SELECT * FROM TABLE I would like to get only 1/10th of the total data, which is really stored on that specific node without any traffic to other nodes.

Thank you so much!

  • what are you using for reading the data?
    – Alex Ott
    Commented May 6, 2020 at 17:13
  • Java, datastax driver
    – mulesky
    Commented May 6, 2020 at 19:42
  • It’s better to move this question to StackOverflow
    – Alex Ott
    Commented May 6, 2020 at 19:44

1 Answer 1


You can do it as following (classes names, etc. are for driver 3.x, could be slightly different in 4.x):

  • Identify what token ranges are handled by specific node - you can obtain this information from Metadata class as cluster.getMetadata().getTokenRanges(keyspace, host) (see doc);
  • for every token range repeat:
    • generate the query like select * from table where token(part_keys) > rangeStart AND token(part_keys) <= rangeEnd (but this may not work all the time, as you need to handle cases when node's token range is split between end of token ring and begin of token ring - see linked code)
    • create an instance of Statement for each query (for example, as SimpleStatement), and set consistency level to LOCAL_ONE and host to which query should be sent (via setHost function)
    • perform query using the execute or executeAsync functions and process data

Source code that performs a full cluster scan could be found here - you can reuse pieces of it regarding generation of queries on token ranges, etc.

  • excellent answer! I was not aware that I can use token() in where conditions. It doesn't matter, but the token function can't be unique and can have collisions?
    – mulesky
    Commented May 8, 2020 at 8:18
  • yes, we have limited number of tokens - 2^64 in default setup - that's why we need clustering columns as well.
    – Alex Ott
    Commented May 8, 2020 at 8:41

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