I have a table named messages that is as follows:

| id  | sender_id | receiver_id | ... |
|   . |         . |           . | ... |
|   . |         . |           . | ... |
| 120 |        19 |          11 | ... |
| 121 |         1 |           3 | ... |
| 122 |         9 |          18 | ... |
| 123 |         2 |           1 | ... |
| 124 |         1 |          24 | ... |
| 125 |         3 |           1 | ... |
| 126 |         7 |           5 | ... |
| 127 |        24 |           1 | ... |
| 128 |        25 |           1 | ... |
| 129 |         1 |          25 | ... |
| 130 |         7 |           3 | ... |
| 131 |         3 |           5 | ... |

How can I select the last 3 unique users that have communicated with User 1? In other words, how can I select:

  • distinct sender_ids whose receiver_id is 1 or distinct receiver_ids whose sender_id is 1
  • in descending order and limited to 3?

The result would look like this:

| id  | sender_id | receiver_id | ... |
| 129 |         1 |          25 | ... |
| 127 |        24 |           1 | ... |
| 125 |         3 |           1 | ... |

or simply:

| 25 |
| 24 |
|  3 |

2 Answers 2



SELECT CASE WHEN sender_id = 1 THEN receiver_id ELSE sender_id END user_id
FROM messages 
WHERE 1 IN (sender_id, receiver_id)
GROUP BY user_id
  • Worked like a charm! Nice how it outputs the sender_ids and receiver_ids as user_id. What if I want to include other columns in the output? Example: id, user_id, message, timestamp.
    – amatek
    Commented May 22, 2020 at 19:59
  • @amatek What if I want to include other columns in the output? Select MAX(id) in addition to current ... AS user_id, use as a subquery for to select the whole row.
    – Akina
    Commented May 22, 2020 at 20:05

1 IN (a,b) won't scale. It will do a full table scan. This will make use of indexes:

( SELECT id, receiver_id FROM messages WHERE sender_id = 1   LIMIT 3 )
( SELECT id, sender_id   FROM messages WHERE receiver_id = 1 LIMIT 3 )

together with both

INDEX(sender_id, receiver_id, id),
INDEX(receiver_id, sender_id, id)

Now, assuming you want the rest of the columns for the 3 rows:

    FROM ( ... ) AS x    -- put the above UNION inside here
    JOIN messages USING(id)

You have not said what your "descending order" is. Perhaps id? Perhaps a datetime? id will be a little easier, so here goes:

    FROM (
            ( SELECT id, receiver_id FROM messages WHERE sender_id = 1
                  ORDER BY id DESC  LIMIT 3 )
            UNION ALL
            ( SELECT id, sender_id   FROM messages WHERE receiver_id = 1
                  ORDER BY id DESC  LIMIT 3 )
            ORDER BY id DESC  LIMIT 3   -- yes, repeated
         ) AS x
    JOIN messages USING(id)
    ORDER BY id DESC    -- yes, ORDER BY is repeated again


  • Each side of the UNION can use an index to quickly find the requested row(s).
  • id is assumed to be the PRIMARY KEY of messages.
  • Each INDEX is "covering" -- all the columns needed in the SELECT are present in the INDEX.
  • Changing from ordering by id to a datetime disrupts the "covering", but can be remedied.
  • Getting 3 rows from each subquery, then chopping to 3 again -- necessary to allow for a variety of cases of who emailed whom and when.
  • The final JOIN needs to look in the data's BTree only 3 times -- that is the goal of the "covering" and the initial "derived" table (the one with the UNION).
  • For only thousands of rows, this complexity is not needed. But if you have millions of rows, it is desirable. For billions of rows, the complexity is essential.
  • OFFSET gets trickier. A discussion here: http://mysql.rjweb.org/doc.php/index_cookbook_mysql#or
  • UNION ALL is faster than UNION DISTINCT and seems to be appropriate in this case. (A message from a user to himself will show up twice with ALL.)

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