Let's say I am importing a small SQL file using the MySQL client like so:

mysql < 10k-file.sql

The mysql client does not output anything. How can I force it to show how many rows are affected for each query, errors, so on?

2 Answers 2


You can use the general log

so enable general log

but be careful this will log everything what happens and gets fast big


Use this

mysql < 10k-file.sql > import.log 2>&1

This will import the dump and send any messages to import.log The 2>&1 sends error messages to the log.

if there was an error, it will stop the import.

In that case, use this

mysql --force < 10k-file.sql > import.log 2>&1
  • You need the verbose option to make it print the statements and number of rows affected: mysql -v -v --force < 10k-file.sql > import.log 2>&1 Note that the -v is given twice to make it more verbose.
    – dbdemon
    Commented Jan 5, 2022 at 13:02

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