I have the following tables:
The main lead
table with close to 500M rows:
create table lead
id integer,
client_id integer,
insert_date integer (a transformed date that looks like 20201231)
create index lead_id_index
on lead (id);
create index lead_insert_date_index
on lead (insert_date) include (id, client_id);
create index lead_client_id_index
on lead (client_id) include (id, insert_date);
And then the other tables
create table last_activity_with_client
lead_id integer,
last_activity timestamp,
last_modified timestamp,
client_id integer
create index last_activity_with_client_client_id_index
on last_activity_with_client (client_id) include (lead_id, last_activity);
create index last_activity_with_client_last_activity_index
on last_activity_with_client (last_activity desc);
create index last_activity_with_client_lead_id_client_id_index
on last_activity_with_client (lead_id, client_id);
create table lead_last_response_time
lead_id integer,
last_response_time timestamp,
last_modified timestamp
create index lead_last_response_time_last_response_time_index
on lead_last_response_time (last_response_time desc);
create index lead_last_response_time_lead_id_index
on lead_last_response_time (lead_id);
create table lead_last_response_time
lead_id integer,
last_response_time timestamp,
last_modified timestamp
create index lead_last_response_time_last_response_time_index
on lead_last_response_time (last_response_time desc);
create index lead_last_response_time_lead_id_index
on lead_last_response_time (lead_id);
create table date_dimensions
key integer, (a transformed date that looks like 20201231)
date date,
description varchar(256),
day smallint,
month smallint,
quarter char(2),
year smallint
past_30 boolean
create index date_dimensions_key_index
on date_dimensions (key);
I try running the following query on different client_id
and it is always slowed down by the bitmap index scan on client_id
in the lead_table
with TempResult AS (
select DISTINCT lead.id AS lead_id,
from lead
left join (select * from last_activity_with_client where client_id = 13189) last_activity_join on
lead.id = last_activity_join.lead_id
left join lead_last_response_time lead_last_response_time on
lead.id = lead_last_response_time.lead_id
join date_dimensions date_dimensions on
lead.insert_date = date_dimensions.key
where (date_dimensions.past_30 = true)
and (lead.client_id in (13189))
TempCount AS (
select COUNT(*) as total_rows
fromt TempResult
select *
from TempResult, TempCount
order by last_response_time desc NULLS LAST
limit 25 offset 1;
A few results: explain analyze result 1 explain analyze result 2
As you can see, it's using the index but it's quite slow. Always more than 50 seconds. What can I do to make this query run faster? I have some freedom to change the query and the tables too.