I use a Postgres extension (promscale) that dynamically creates tables with similar schemas: the tables all have a 'time' and a 'value' columns, then a number of labels columns. Upon insert in any of those tables I need to make store a copy of the new row into a sibling table, after recalculating the value. This question almost has the answer, but I can't explicitly access sample.value on the anyelement variable. Here is what I tried:
create or replace function increase_trigger() returns trigger as $update_increase$
tbl_out varchar;
tbl_out := TG_TABLE_NAME || ":increase";
select calc_increase(new, tbl_out);
$update_increase$ language plpgsql;
create or replace procedure calc_increase(sample anyelement, tbl_out regclass) as $$
sample.value = sample.value + 1.0;
execute format('insert into %s select $1.*', tbl_out) using sample;
end; $$ language plpgsql;
Of course the parser complains that "sample.value" is not a known variable. I know the output table name and thus its composite type name, but I don't know how to use it in the function. I found could cast a my input sample (not tested):
execute format("select ROW($1.*)::%I from $1.*", tbl_out) using sample;
... but I can't put everything together to get something that works.
Any help appreciated!
[Edit2] The solution is indeed to use RECORD as a type instead of anyelement:
The complete code is as follows:
create table t1 (
c1 varchar,
c2 double precision
create table t2 (
c1 varchar,
c2 double precision
create or replace procedure calc_increase(sample record, tbl_out regclass) as $$
-- test
c2.value = c2.value + 1.0;
execute format('insert into %s select $1.*', tbl_out) using sample;
end; $$ language plpgsql;
create or replace function update_increase() returns trigger as $update_increase$
increase record;
call calc_increase(new, 't2');
return new;
$update_increase$ language plpgsql;
create trigger t_increase before insert on t1 for each row
execute function update_increase();
insert into t1(c1,c2) values('foo', 10.0);