I have a table with 2M rows of hotel names in Postgresql 12. I am building a typeahead so users can quickly find the hotel by name. I have played around with different Postgres options including FTS, trigrams, and levenshtein distance.
word_similarity in pg_trgm gives me the best results, but whenever I need to sort by the similarity score, things get too slow (without sorting the query finishes in milliseconds):
SELECT name, word_similarity('trade center new york mariott', name) AS sml from hotels_hotel where 'trade center new york mariott' %> name ORDER BY sml DESC LIMIT 5;
name | sml
Courtyard by Marriott New York Downtown Manhattan/World Trade Center Area | 0.53846157
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott New York Downtown Manhattan/World Trade Center Area | 0.53846157
Residence Inn by Marriott New York Downtown Manhattan/World Trade Center Area | 0.53846157
AC Hotel by Marriott New York Times Square | 0.53125
Courtyard by Marriott World Trade Center, Abu Dhabi | 0.5263158
(5 rows)
Time: 9602.969 ms (00:09.603)
EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS, VERBOSE, COSTS) SELECT name, word_similarity('trade center new york mariott', name) AS sml from hotels_hotel where 'trade center new york mariott' %> name ORDER BY sml DESC LIMIT 5;
Limit (cost=65390.53..65391.11 rows=5 width=27) (actual time=9619.113..9625.482 rows=5 loops=1)
Output: name, (word_similarity('trade center new york mariott'::text, (name)::text))
Buffers: shared hit=1746167
-> Gather Merge (cost=65390.53..65589.11 rows=1702 width=27) (actual time=9619.109..9625.474 rows=5 loops=1)
Output: name, (word_similarity('trade center new york mariott'::text, (name)::text))
Workers Planned: 2
Workers Launched: 2
Buffers: shared hit=1746167
-> Sort (cost=64390.50..64392.63 rows=851 width=27) (actual time=9612.578..9612.580 rows=4 loops=3)
Output: name, (word_similarity('trade center new york mariott'::text, (name)::text))
Sort Key: (word_similarity('trade center new york mariott'::text, (hotels_hotel.name)::text)) DESC
Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB
Worker 0: Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB
Worker 1: Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB
Buffers: shared hit=1746167
Worker 0: actual time=9610.098..9610.100 rows=5 loops=1
Buffers: shared hit=581861
Worker 1: actual time=9609.314..9609.317 rows=5 loops=1
Buffers: shared hit=579828
-> Parallel Index Only Scan using hotels_hotel_name_a9005e17 on public.hotels_hotel (cost=0.43..64376.37 rows=851 width=27) (actual time=4.040..9606.166 rows=15070 loops=3)
Output: name, word_similarity('trade center new york mariott'::text, (name)::text)
Filter: ('trade center new york mariott'::text %> (hotels_hotel.name)::text)
Rows Removed by Filter: 666002
Heap Fetches: 2
Buffers: shared hit=1746113
Worker 0: actual time=0.281..9603.591 rows=14890 loops=1
Buffers: shared hit=581834
Worker 1: actual time=8.157..9602.811 rows=14678 loops=1
Buffers: shared hit=579801
Planning Time: 0.396 ms
Execution Time: 9625.576 ms
(31 rows)
Time: 9626.933 ms (00:09.627)
Is there any way I can optimize this query? Happy to build a huge index as I suppose is needed.
Why word_similarity is best for my use case:
- allows typos (notice I misspell marriott in my query)
- allows different ordering of the words
Edit 1
The explain analyze without sorting:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT name, word_similarity('trade center new york mariott', name) AS sml from hotels_hotel where 'trade center new york mariott' %> name LIMIT 5;
Limit (cost=0.00..1264.75 rows=5 width=27) (actual time=0.391..15.981 rows=5 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on hotels_hotel (cost=0.00..516777.29 rows=2043 width=27) (actual time=0.384..15.969 rows=5 loops=1)
Filter: ('trade center new york mariott'::text %> (name)::text)
Rows Removed by Filter: 292
Planning Time: 0.285 ms
Execution Time: 16.041 ms
(6 rows)
Time: 17.800 ms
Edit 2
The relevant indices present on the table:
CREATE INDEX autocomplete_gist ON public.hotels_hotel USING gist (name gist_trgm_ops)
CREATE INDEX autocomplete_name_idx ON public.hotels_hotel USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops)
CREATE INDEX hotels_hotel_name_a9005e17 ON public.hotels_hotel USING btree (name)
CREATE INDEX hotels_hotel_name_a9005e17_like ON public.hotels_hotel USING btree (name varchar_pattern_ops)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hotels_hotel_pkey ON public.hotels_hotel USING btree (id)
CREATE INDEX hotels_hotel_popularity_05985c85 ON public.hotels_hotel USING btree (popularity)
Edit 3
The new query:
EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) SELECT name, word_similarity('trade center new york mariott', name) AS sml from hotels_hotel ORDER BY name <->> 'trade center new york mariott' LIMIT 5;
Limit (cost=0.41..5.65 rows=5 width=31) (actual time=3632.397..3633.554 rows=5 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=1 read=32537
I/O Timings: read=184.432
-> Index Scan using autocomplete_gist on hotels_hotel (cost=0.41..2140836.75 rows=2043215 width=31) (actual time=3632.394..3633.548 rows=5 loops=1)
Order By: ((name)::text <->> 'trade center new york mariott'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=1 read=32537
I/O Timings: read=184.432
Planning Time: 0.250 ms
Execution Time: 3679.847 ms
pairs up with<%
, not with%>
. So you are filtering by one thing, but then ordering by a different thing.