I have a table called 'price' with the following rows
idRequest | idPair | idExchangePlatform | lastPrice
1 1 1 95
1 1 2 100
1 1 3 40
2 1 1 80
2 1 2 250
2 1 3 10
3 1 1 110
3 1 2 300
3 1 3 60
1 2 2 800
1 2 3 1300
2 2 2 1110
2 2 3 1950
i need to make a SELECT QUERY WHERE idRequest and exchangePair match with the same table values but different idExchangePlatform
For example for this set of values:
idRequest | idPair | idExchangePlatform | lastPrice
1 1 1 95
1 1 2 100
1 1 3 40
i need to get the following output:
idRequest | idPair | idEP_a | idEP_b | lastPrice_sum
1 1 1 2 195
1 1 1 3 135
1 1 2 3 140
i'm using this query but it duplicates the result because is matching the idExchangePlatform in twisted order.
select p1.idRequest, p1.idPair, p1.idExchangePlatform AS idEP_a, p2.idExchangePlatform AS idEP_b, (p1.lastPrice + p2.lastPrice) AS lastPrice_sum
from price as p1
JOIN price AS p2
ON p1.idRequest = p2.idRequest AND p1.idPair = p2.idPair AND p1.idExchangePlatform <> p2.idExchangePatform;
This is the output i get from this query:
idRequest | idPair | idEP_a | idEP_b | lastPrice_sum
1 1 1 2 195
1 1 1 3 135
1 1 2 3 140
1 1 2 1 195
1 1 3 1 135
1 1 3 2 140
Is there a way to prevent this with some CLAUSE?
p1.idExchangePlatform <> p2.idExchangePatform
top1.idExchangePlatform < p2.idExchangePatform
in stackoverflow.com