I'm working on pretty lengthy view and one of SQL statements calls a scalar function, which really degrades the performance. The following is the function that is called in a select statement. (sql server 2016)
Really not sure the best ways to modify this process.
Simplified select statement.
Select vendorpartid,
dbo.ufn_StockUomQuantityToOrder(vpp.priorityLevel, vpp.monthlyUsageRate, vpp.minimumPurchaseUomOrderQuantity, vpp.purchaseUomConversionFactor, vpp.orderFrequencyDays, vpp.boxQuantity) stockUomQuantityToOrder
FROM vendorpartpriority vpp
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_StockUomQuantityToOrder] (
@priorityLevel decimal(38, 10),
@monthlyUsageRate decimal(38,10),
@minimumPurchaseUomOrderQuantity decimal(38, 10),
@purchaseUomConversion decimal(38, 10),
@orderFrequencyDays decimal(38,10),
@boxQuantity int
-- Calculate the quantity that needs to be ordered
DECLARE @quantityToOrderDecimal decimal(38, 10) = NULL;
DECLARE @quantityToOrderInt int = NULL;
DECLARE @orderFrequencyMinimumQuantity decimal(38, 10) = NULL;
DECLARE @minimumStockUomOrderQuantity decimal(38,10) = NULL;
--set the default order quantity
SELECT @quantityToOrderDecimal = (-1.0 * @monthlyUsageRate * @priorityLevel);
--get the minimum order quantity in stock UOM
SELECT @minimumStockUomOrderQuantity = (@minimumPurchaseUomOrderQuantity * @purchaseUomConversion);
--calculate the order frequency minimum
IF(@orderFrequencyDays IS NOT NULL AND @monthlyUsageRate IS NOT NULL)
SELECT @orderFrequencyMinimumQuantity = (@monthlyUsageRate * @orderFrequencyDays / 30.0);
--do we need to meet a vendor minimum
IF (@quantityToOrderDecimal IS NULL OR @quantityToOrderDecimal < @minimumStockUomOrderQuantity)
SELECT @quantityToOrderDecimal = @minimumStockUomOrderQuantity;
--do we need to meet an order frequency minimum
IF (@quantityToOrderDecimal IS NULL OR @quantityToOrderDecimal < @orderFrequencyMinimumQuantity)
SELECT @quantityToOrderDecimal = @orderFrequencyMinimumQuantity;
--convert to the int
SELECT @quantityToOrderInt = CAST(CEILING(@quantityToOrderDecimal) AS int);
--did we come up with a number that needs to be an increment of boxQuantity
IF(@quantityToOrderInt IS NOT NULL AND @boxQuantity > 0)
--get the partial box quantity if any
DECLARE @partialBox int = @quantityToOrderInt % @boxQuantity;
--remove the partial box and add a full one (if we are not of box increments)
IF(@partialBox <> 0)
SELECT @quantityToOrderInt = (@quantityToOrderInt - @partialBox + @boxQuantity);
RETURN @quantityToOrderInt;
2019 isn't an option now. I have dabbled with the in-line table value, but I'm not quite sure how to get rid of the declares.
I'm not 100% sure on the nulls. My gut says I shouldn't be passing any values that are nulls, but looks like input table has quite a few in different columns.
Right now I'm trying to make some glaring performance changes until we get time to dismantle the whole process.