I have 3 tables:

TASK (id_task (PRIMARY KEY), name) 
PROJECT (id_project (PRIMARY KEY), name)
PROJECT_HAS_TASK (id_project, task_id)

PROJECT_HAS_TASK is the (n,m) relation between PROJECT and TASK.

I'd like to return all the TASK records and a boolean value indicating if the task_id also exists in PROJECT_HAS_TASK. Is that possible to do with a SQL query? Or should I use a stored procedure?

Yes it is possible to do it with a SQL query. Thanks to both a1ex07 and bummi's help I ended up with this solution :

SELECT a.id_task,  
Case WHEN b.id_task IS NULL then 0 else 1 end as HasProject 
from TASK a
LEFT join (SELECT DISTINCT id_task FROM PROJECT_HAS_TASK)b on (a.id_task = b.id_task);

2 Answers 2


If you need to check if there is any project that has task, use something like

SELECT a.id_task,  
Case WHEN b.id_task IS NULL then 0 else 1 end as HasProject 
from TASK a
LEFT join (SELECT DISTINCT id_task FROM PROJECT_HAS_TASK)b on (a.id_task = b.id_task)
-- if you need number of tasks for a project
Select  a.id_task,
COUNT(b.id_project) as num_projects
from TASK a
LEFT join PROJECT_HAS_TASK b on a.id_task = b.id_task
GROUP BY a.id_task;
  • Thanks very much ! Your help is much appreciated ! That works perfectly and It solved my problem.
    – gallab
    Commented Nov 29, 2012 at 16:13

Your solution will cause performance problems if there will be larger number of records as there will be not index used in this JOIN statement:

LEFT join (SELECT DISTINCT id_task FROM PROJECT_HAS_TASK)b on (a.id_task = b.id_task);

Probably you should try something using the EXISTS statement like this

SELECT `TASK`.`id_task`,  
                  WHERE `TASK`.`id_task` = `PROJECT_HAS_TASK`.`id_task`) 
  THEN 1 
  ELSE 0 
END as HasProject 

or the simplified (for MySQL only):

SELECT t.id_task,  
               WHERE t.id_task = pt.id_task) 
         AS HasProject 
  • Assuming PROJECT_HAS_TASK has foreign key to task it's impossible (for mysql innodb) not to have index on PROJECT_HAS_TASK.id_task. SELECT DISTINCT id_task FROM PROJECT_HAS_TASK must scan index, not table unless: 1 serious bug in optimizer; 2 id_task is a leading column in PROJECT_HAS_TASK primary key, so index scan is the same as table scan. To summarize : I'm not trying to say that your approach is worse (performance-wise) than mine; I guess they should generate the same execution plan
    – a1ex07
    Commented Dec 1, 2012 at 19:39
  • @a1ex07 It will use index on (SELECT DISTINCT id_task FROM PROJECT_HAS_TASK) but will not use index on the join statement. Try building those tables and checking EXPLAIN on both statements yours will require three operations and on one there will be no index used. Commented Dec 1, 2012 at 21:52
  • Test with empty/few records table doesn't prove or refute anything. Until the table grows up to certain limit, full scan will be the most efficient way...
    – a1ex07
    Commented Dec 1, 2012 at 22:10
  • @a1ex07 It proves that "Your solution may cause performance problems if there will be larger number of records" Commented Dec 1, 2012 at 22:29
  • I guess "may cause performance problems" can be applicable to any solution :) . Especially "may"...
    – a1ex07
    Commented Dec 1, 2012 at 22:42

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