So I have this database (Size 3.1Gb total), but this is due to one specific table I've got, containing A LOT of console output text, from some test runs. The table itself is 2.7Gb, and I was wondering if there could be another solution for this table, so the database would get a lot smaller? It's getting a bit anoying to backup the database or even make a copy of the database to a playground, because it's so big this table.
The Table is this one
Would it be better to delete this table and make all the LogTextData <- LongText, be stored in a PDF, instead of the database? (Then I can't backup this data tho...) Do anyone have an idea on how to make this table smaller, or another solution? I'm open for suggestions, to make this table smaller.
The way this console log data gets imported to the database is by Python scipts, so I have fully access to other python solutions, if there is any.
I could each day make a gzip of all the created logfiles, and then transfer them to another location (Cloud)? The database already gets transfered to another location, IF the server breaks, so no data is lost. BUT then i can't access it regular? This data has to be accessed on a regular basis.
SELECT COUNT(*), MAX(LENGTH(LogTextData)) FROM tablename;
. What operations are performed on this data - retrieve only, search, FTS, etc.?Error Code: 2013. Lost connection to MySQL server during query
freshly dumped and moved to the playground? Or would stale data be OK?