I currently have a view that contains about 1k rows of user information. currently i have a query that groups all the same user information by date into one row. Currently this query takes between 20 to 30 minutes to complete its execution. is there any way to enhance the query? or cerate a new one that improves its execution time?
Declare @YourTable Table ([AccountNo] int,[RunKey] int,[RunDate] date,[Address] varchar(50),[Salary] int,[PromotionDate] date)
Insert Into @YourTable Values
(12345,2,'06/20/2017','123 Main Street',60000,'01/15/2017')
,(12345,3,'06/21/2017','123 Main Street',60000,'01/15/2017')
,(12345,4,'06/22/2017','123 Main Street',65000,'06/21/2017');
with ct as
select A.AccountNo
from @YourTable A
cross apply (values ('Address' ,cast(A.[Address] as varchar(max)))
,('Salary' ,cast(A.[Salary] as varchar(max)))
,('PromotionDate',cast(A.[PromotionDate] as varchar(max)))
) B (Item,Value)
select a.AccountNo
,stuff ((select (',' + Item) from ct b
where b.AccountNo=a.AccountNo
and b.RunKey=a.RunKey
and b.RunDate=a.RunDate
for xml path(''), type ).value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)'),1,1,'') Item
,stuff ((select (',' + Value) from ct b
where b.AccountNo=a.AccountNo
and b.RunKey=a.RunKey
and b.RunDate=a.RunDate
for xml path(''), type ).value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)'),1,1,'') Value
from ct a
group by a.AccountNo, a.RunKey, a.RunDate