I try to query multiple columns and rows from a table to create the xy-pairs for a step-linechart in json format.
I need the json like this:
[[63115200,213.4], [139769280,213.4], [139769280,213.39],
[160911360,213.39], [160911360,215.1], [163853812,215.1]]
What I currently get is this:
[[[63115200,213.4], [139769280,213.4]], [[139769280,213.39],
[160911360,213.39]], [[160911360,215.1], [163853812,215.1]]]
I need to get rid of the square brackets json_build_array creates.
The table looks like this:
bname | bfrom | bto | bval |
EU | 63115200 | 139769280 | 213.4 |
EU | 139769280 | 160911360 | 213.39 |
EU | 160911360 | 163853812 | 215.1 |
My query looks currently like this:
SELECT json_agg(json_build_array(array[bfrom,bval], array[bto,bval])
ORDER BY bfrom asc) AS data
FROM stepchart
GROUP BY bname ORDER BY bname;
I've been struggling with this for the last hours but still have no clue how to do this.
I created a db-fiddle: link
Hope someone can help me.