The hstore type in Postgres provides an operation to calculate the set difference (EXCEPT) of two records. Is there something similar for jsonb? The best I've got is SELECT * FROM jsonb_each('{"a":1, "b":2}'::jsonb) EXCEPT SELECT * FROM jsonb_each('{"a":1}'::jsonb), but I don't know how to convert it back to jsonb.

I want to use this to calculate the difference (the changed values) between OLD and NEW in a trigger.


1 Answer 1


As a_horse_with_no_name pointed in the comments to a blog post describing the problem that there is no operation for jsonb - jsonb, I found this solution:

DO $$
  OLD CONSTANT RECORD := row(12, 'Test', false, 4);
  NEW CONSTANT RECORD := row(12, 'Test', true, NULL);
  data_diff jsonb;
    SELECT jsonb_object_agg(key, value) INTO STRICT data_diff
    FROM (
        SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(to_jsonb(NEW))
        EXCEPT SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(to_jsonb(OLD))
    ) as t;

    raise notice '%', data_diff;
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    Commented Mar 16, 2022 at 10:23

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