I have problem when query using postgresql I have several tables:


id phone
1 08211111
2 08211112


id name is_blacklisted
1 abc.com 0
2 123.com 0
3 456.com 1


id name
1 alphabet
2 numeric


domain_group_id domain_id
1 1
2 2
2 3


number_id domain_id times
1 1 1
1 2 2
3 3 2


number_id domain_group_id times
1 1 1
1 2 2
3 2 2

if I want to select number by domain history where domain.is_blacklisted = 0:

select numbers.id from numbers
left join number_domain_history on number_domain_history.number_id = numbers.id
where number_domain_history.domain_id not in (select domain_id from domains where is_blacklisted = 1)
group by numbers.id
limit 1000

The problem is how I can search number by domain_group that perform same blacklist since blacklisted only available in number_domain_history?

I have try with:

select numbers.id from numbers
left join number_domain_history on number_domain_history.number_id = numbers.id
left join number_domain_group_history on number_domain_group_history.
where number_domain_history.domain_id not in (select domain_id from domains where is_blacklisted = 1)
group by numbers.id
limit 1000

But the result is not like what I expect to return, I still get data from domain_group that the domain already blacklisted.

Is there any workaround?

1 Answer 1


if I want to select number by domain history where domain.is_blacklisted = 0:

You only need three tables:

  1. numbers
  2. domains
  3. number_domain_history

You can use a simple inner join:

select n.phone
from numbers n 
inner join number_domain_history ndh on ndh.number_id=n.id
inner join domains d on ndh.domain_id=d.id
where d.is_blacklisted=0
group by n.phone;




How can I perform search by times on number_domain_group_history ? ex: number_domains_group_history.times > 0

Simple , add another join condition.

inner join number_domain_group_history ndgh on ndgh.number_id=n.id

select n.phone
from numbers n 
inner join number_domain_history ndh on ndh.number_id=n.id
inner join domains d on ndh.domain_id=d.id
inner join number_domain_group_history ndgh on ndgh.number_id=n.id
where d.is_blacklisted=0
and ndgh.times > 0
group by n.phone;


  • but how can i perform search by times on number_domain_group_history ? ex: number_domains_group_history.times > 0
    – Jazz
    Commented Mar 21, 2022 at 16:38

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