I have data that is stored in S3 and I am querying it using SQL via Redshift Spectrum. One of the columns is stored as a list in the S3 file like so:
column_a | items_list |
a. | [item_1, item_2] |
b. | [item_3, item_4] |
Redshift has no unnest function, but I have picked out of our codebase the syntax below that works to unnest the list.
from table_abc as abc
left join abc.items_list as unnested_list_items on true
Running this results in:
column_a | unnested_list_items |
a. | item_1. |
a. | item_2. |
b. | item_3. |
b. | item_4. |
No one seems to understand why this works and I can't find any documentation on this and why it works. The closest I can find is the documentation below on Athena syntax, but the unnest seems to be implicit and afaik it's not being processed by Athena.
Is anyone able to explain how this syntax is processed by the query engine or point to any documentation on this?
I am using Redshift 1.0.37680. Thanks!
from table_abc as abc, abc.items_list as unnested_list_items
clause as a table so it unnests it.from table_abc as abc, unnest(abc.items_list) as unnested_list_items
orfrom table_abc as abc left join unnest(abc.items_list) as unnested_list_items on true