I would like a best practice or some direction on how to handle employee data, as I just took ownership of the database management

The table employee looks like this

id employee manager week score
1 john Don 22 10
2 jeff Don 22 8
3 fred Don 22 7

It's updated weekly, because we track performance weekly and that counts towards the manager's performance.

Next week, an employee could have a different manager and performance will count towards that new manager

id employee manager week score
4 john Don 23 10
5 jeff Robert 23 9.2
6 fred Don 23 7

The company has 500 employees and we have 52 weeks in a year, so imagine how big that table is. Is there any recommendation or a best practice to track weekly performance and avoid repeated data in the same table?

  • I think I'll keep it like that then. I refer as repetitive like having 20 employees under the same manager during 6 months, I would repeat their registry 24 times and I'd just change the week number. Commented Jun 7, 2022 at 21:55

1 Answer 1


From a performance perspective, 500 * 52 = only 26,000 records added per year, so this is a tiny amount of data that you have to support and if it only changes weekly it's not very busy sounding either.

If performance is the context for your question, I wouldn't worry about it at all. - user150011

This table can't be reduced significantly. You can log only weeks where management has been changed for certain employee but this approach requires a lot more complicated code to deal with. – user7895

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