when I need to rename a table and consequently its primary key (and all other constraints) as well I use the following simple example script:
if object_id('dbo.Radhe1',N'U') is not null
drop table dbo.radhe1
create table dbo.Radhe1 (
id int identity(-1008,-1) not null,
name nvarchar(50) null
, constraint pk_Radhe1 primary key clustered (Id)
insert into dbo.Radhe1(name)values('Krishna')
go 1008
select count(*) from dbo.radhe1
exec sp_rename N'dbo.Radhe1.pk_Radhe1', N'pk__Radhe_to_be_removed';
exec sp_rename N'dbo.Radhe1', N'Radhe1_to_be_removed'
select count(*) from dbo.Radhe1_to_be_removed
what I have seen is that when I table is over a million rows or any substantial size, or the server is a busy one, people tend to do is rename the table, then drop and re-create the primary key, which I understand to be a lot of work, very intense on resources.
for example (names unrelated to the previous example):
/* rename existing tables */
EXEC sp_rename 'dbo.DocumentDetailSearchTags', 'dbo.DocumentDetailSearchTags_TOBEDROPPED'
EXEC sp_rename 'dbo.SearchTags', 'dbo.SearchTags_TOBEDROPPED'
/* update pk constraint names */
ALTER TABLE dbo.DocumentDetailSearchTags_TOBEDROPPED
DROP CONSTRAINT PK_DocumentDetailSearchTags
ALTER TABLE dbo.DocumentDetailSearchTags_TOBEDROPPED
[documentDetailId] ASC,
[searchTagId] ASC
Now I don't know what would the sp_rename be doing behind the scenes and I havent had the chance to test this on a busy live server.
the question is:
on a busy live server, sp_rename
to rename the primary key of a table would work better than alter table drop and add constraint