I have this script to return all child and grandchildren tables with their level from a database . How do I change this if I only want to return the child and grandchildren tables of a particular table .

;WITH dependencies -- Get sp with  dependencies
AS (
        DISTINCT procs.NAME AS Tablename 
                   ,OBJDEP.NAME as Depends 
                   ,sch.name as schemaname
    FROM    sysforeignkeys a
        INNER JOIN sysobjects OBJ ON a.fkeyid = OBJ.id
        INNER JOIN sysobjects OBJDEP ON a.rkeyid = OBJDEP.id
        inner join   sys.objects procs  on a.fkeyid = procs.object_id
        inner join sys.schemas sch on sch.schema_id=procs.schema_id
    where obj.type='U'
    and OBJDEP.type='u'
AS (
        obj.NAME AS Tablename
        ,sch.name as schemaname
     FROM sys.objects OBJ
     INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch on sch.schema_id=obj.schema_id
        SELECT 1 
        FROM dependencies k 
        where obj.name=k.Tablename 
        and sch.name=k.schemaname) and type='u'
recursiv -- recursive CTE to get dependencies
AS (
    SELECT Tablename AS [SP]
        , CAST('' AS VARCHAR(max)) AS DependsON
        , 0 AS LVL 
    FROM no_dependencies
    SELECT d.Tablename AS [SP]
         ,CAST( d.Depends AS VARCHAR(max))
         ,R.lvl + 1 AS LVL
    FROM dependencies d
    INNER JOIN recursiv r
        ON d.Depends = r.[SP]

SELECT * FROM RECURSIV  ORDER BY LVL  option (maxrecursion 0)
  • Which database system and version are you using?
    – J.D.
    Commented Jan 10, 2023 at 13:11
  • SQL server 2019 Commented Jan 10, 2023 at 13:13

1 Answer 1


You need to pass the root parent (from level 0) item through every iteration of the recursion. You can do that by having a dedicated RootParent field which you continue to pass the same value for all the way down the recursion, like so:

;WITH dependencies -- Get sp with  dependencies
AS (
        DISTINCT procs.NAME AS Tablename 
                   ,OBJDEP.NAME as Depends 
                   ,sch.name as schemaname
    FROM    sysforeignkeys a
        INNER JOIN sysobjects OBJ ON a.fkeyid = OBJ.id
        INNER JOIN sysobjects OBJDEP ON a.rkeyid = OBJDEP.id
        inner join   sys.objects procs  on a.fkeyid = procs.object_id
        inner join sys.schemas sch on sch.schema_id=procs.schema_id
    where obj.type='U'
    and OBJDEP.type='u'
AS (
        obj.NAME AS Tablename
        ,sch.name as schemaname
     FROM sys.objects OBJ
     INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch on sch.schema_id=obj.schema_id
        SELECT 1 
        FROM dependencies k 
        where obj.name=k.Tablename 
        and sch.name=k.schemaname) and type='u'
recursiv -- recursive CTE to get dependencies
AS (
         Tablename AS RootParent,
         schemaname AS RootParentSchema,
         Tablename AS [SP]
        , CAST('' AS VARCHAR(max)) AS DependsON
        , 0 AS LVL 
    FROM no_dependencies
         d.Tablename AS [SP]
         ,CAST( d.Depends AS VARCHAR(max))
         ,R.lvl + 1 AS LVL
    FROM dependencies d
    INNER JOIN recursiv r
        ON d.Depends = r.[SP]

WHERE RootParent = 'TheTableName'
    --AND RootParentSchema = 'TheSchemaName' -- Optionally you'll want to filter by a specific schema too if you have different objects with the same name in different schemas. If so, you can uncomment this AND predicate.
option (maxrecursion 0)
  • That will only give that particular table and the child's , i want to return the grand child tables too. Commented Jan 11, 2023 at 2:14
  • @SubinBenny Sorry I fixed it now. Please see my updated answer.
    – J.D.
    Commented Jan 11, 2023 at 2:23
  • Thanks for the effort JD. It works fine if i give the root parent , but I need to to return the grandchildren tables if I give a child table as root parent . Which doesn't work . Suppose table a->b->c-> this is the tree. If I give a as the table name then this will work . But if I give b as the table then nothing will return. But I need to return 'c' in that case. Hope you understood it. @J.D. Commented Jan 11, 2023 at 14:38
  • @SubinBenny Hi, I understand what you're looking for. It should accomplish that, because b should be the root parent of a subtree in a further level of the recursion (usually), in a normal tree structure relation. But I haven't tested this query, and I suspect it has to do with how the data is setup in the objects being queried. I will have to test and see where it's missing.
    – J.D.
    Commented Jan 11, 2023 at 20:21
  • Thank you ! J.D. Commented Jan 12, 2023 at 3:54

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