I have three tables: product, users, and orders
: list of all products and their statuses. This table has a field called previousProductId
. A product's code can be changed multiple times and if it is then the previousProductId
will contain it's immediate predecessors code. For example, if a product has code 1057 and then a new line is added for this product with a new code 1060 then the previousLineId will have a code of 1057. This is repeated every time a new line with a new code is added for an existing product.
: list of all users
: list of all orders placed by users
Now I have to write a query to get all orders with active products. I have to make sure all the users who ordered the previous versions of an active product are also included in the result set. I want to use recursive CTE to go up the chain to retrieve all previous product Ids for a given product and retrieve the necessary information that way, but that method seems a little too bulky. I wanted to know if there is a better and simpler way of doing it. Thank you!
Create table #product
productId Int primary key Identity(1,1),
name varchar(100),
price numeric(18,5),
previousProductId Int,
active bit
Create table #users
userId Int Primary key,
name varchar(100)
Create table #orders
orderId Int primary key,
userId Int,
productId Int
Insert Into #product values ('Sony TV', 200.23, null, 0), ('Sony Tv New', 240.43, 1, 0), ('Apple Watch', 300.45, null, 1)
,('Samsung Mobile',1050, null,0),('Sony TV Advanced', 400, 2,1)
Insert Into #users values (1,'John'), (2,'Mary'), (3,'Kevin'), (4,'Joe'), (5,'Andy'),(6,'Jim'),(7,'Pam')
Insert Into #orders values (1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 1),(3, 3,2), (4,4,3), (5,5,3),(6,6,4),(7,7,5)
select t_p.productId, t_p.name, t_p.price, t_p.previousProductId, t_p.active
,t_u.name as username, t_o.orderId
from #product t_p
join #orders t_o
on t_p.productId = t_o.productId
join #users t_u
on t_u.userID = t_o.userId
where t_p.active = 1
drop table if exists #product
drop table if exists #orders
drop table if exists #users