I use the query store to get an overview of executed queries on our databases and to generate performance tests where I execute those queries in parallel on multiple hosts.
My task is to test how many concurrent users we can sustain before database response times increase.
In all databases that I looked at with query store, the XML query plans included a tag "ParameterList" from which I read out all the parameters for the query.
Now I stumbled across a database where not a single query captured in the query-store has its parameter values listed in the query plan.
What is be the reason for that?
If its relevant: The database in question is used by Microsoft Dynamics.
Server is 13.0.4259.0. Compatibility Level of the DB is 2016(130')
The queries in the Query Store look like this:
(@0 int,@1 nvarchar(20),@2 int)SELECT "39"."timestamp",...... WITH(READUNCOMMITTED)
ON ("39"."Document Type" = "39_e1"."Document Type")
AND ("39"."Document No_" = "39_e1"."Document No_")
AND ("39"."Line No_" = "39_e1"."Line No_")
WHERE ("39"."Document Type"=@0
AND "39"."Document No_"=@1 AND "39"."Line No_"=@2)