I have a requirement where we need to drop historical partitions which are not dropped . Requirement is dropping multiple partitions in one step instead of dropping one by one.
ALTER TABLE sales DROP PARTITION sales_q1_2008, sales_q2_2008,
sales_q3_2008, sales_q4_2008 update global indexes;
instead of
ALTER TABLE sales DROP PARTITION sales_q1_2008 update global indexes;
ALTER TABLE sales DROP PARTITION sales_q2_2008 update global indexes;
ALTER TABLE sales DROP PARTITION sales_q3_2008 update global indexes;
and so on...
app team has this code:-
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Test_user.DROP_PARTITIONS (p_table_name in varchar2, p_partition_key in number)
pragma autonomous_transaction;
for cur in (
select partition_name from user_tab_partitions
where table_name = p_table_name
and substr(partition_name,1,8) <= 'P_'||trim(to_char(p_partition_key,'000000'))
order by partition_position desc
) loop
-- wait for processes which might have a lock on the partition to drop (max 10min)
execute immediate 'lock table '||p_table_name||' partition ('||cur.partition_name||') in exclusive mode wait 600';
execute immediate 'alter table '||p_table_name||' drop partition '||cur.partition_name || ' UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES';
end loop;
But I guess this is doing serial drop for each partitions thereby creating many alter statements instead of 1 step command where all the necessary partitions are dropped.
How can we adapt this ?