I have a SQL CmdExec Job set up to run a query however the output data contains headers, job information and total numbers of returned rows as part of the output file and I am trying to figure out how to exclude this, this project calls for only the raw data to be returned.
Based on other suggestions I've tried adding "sqlcmd -Q set nocount on; " before my query as well as "-S localhost -D master -o" at the end of the query but the extra data remains in the results.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
sqlcmd -Q set nocount on;
cast(coalesce(ARMASTER.CUSTNO, ' ') as char(20)) as [CUSTNO],
cast(coalesce(ARMASTER.INVOICE, ' ') as char(20)) as [INVNO],
cast(coalesce(ITEM.PARTNO, ' ') as char(16)) as [ITEM],
cast(coalesce(ITEM.DESCRIPT, ' ') as char(65)) as [DESCRIP],
cast(coalesce(ITEM.DISRATE, ' ') as char(7)) as [DISC],
cast(coalesce(ITEM.PRICE, ' ') as char(20)) as [PRICE],
cast(coalesce(ITEM.SHIPQTY, ' ') as char(12)) as [QTYSHP],
cast(coalesce(ITEM.TOTPRICE, ' ') as char(20)) as [EXTPRICE],
cast(coalesce(ITEM.CUSERLINE, ' ') as char(10)) as [SEQNUM]
armaster ON ITEM.invoice = ARMASTER.invoice
-S localhost -D master -o