I have 3 tables:
CREATE TABLE catalog.shoes (
brand VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
model VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT shoe_name UNIQUE (brand, model)
CREATE TABLE catalog.stock (
shoe_id INT REFERENCES catalog.shoes(shoe_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
color VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
stock_count INT NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE catalog.photos (
shoe_id INT REFERENCES catalog.shoes(shoe_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
color VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
photo_url TEXT UNIQUE
I have this query to SELECT
SELECT item_id, st.color st_col, p.color p_col, size, stock_count, brand, model, photo_url
FROM catalog.stock st
JOIN catalog.shoes s ON s.shoe_id = st.shoe_id
JOIN catalog.photos p ON p.shoe_id = st.shoe_id
The issue I have is that color
from the photos table (p_col
) does not correspond with the color
from the stock table (st_col
). Is there a simple solution which would match those rows with one another on the SELECT
query or would it be better to create the relationship when I CREATE
the tables? The reason I do not want to refactor my tables too much (unless it is necessary) is because I have struggled to create a relation between the colors in the table definitions because the color is not unique in the photos table. I assumed it would be easier to make them line up when I retrieve the data instead.
I'm open to changing my tables, but as you can see, I don't like having too complicated definitions since this is just for a school project. I tried creating a CONSTRAINT
in the stock table CONSTRAINT (shoe_id, color) UNIQUE
and the photos table FOREIGN KEY (shoe_id, color) REFERENCES catalog.stock (shoe_id, color)
but I kept getting syntax errors (I tried different ways, such as giving the constraint a name and referencing that name, etc.).
This is an example of returned rows:
item_id st_col p_col size stock_count brand model photo_url
1000 Black White 6 11 Adidas Breaknet 2.0 https://i.ibb.co/JnxgLWL/adidas-breaknet2-whitebluered.webp
1000 Black Black 6 11 Adidas Breaknet 2.0 https://i.ibb.co/3S1WwKj/adidas-breaknet2-blackwhite.webp
1001 Black White 7 12 Adidas Breaknet 2.0 https://i.ibb.co/JnxgLWL/adidas-breaknet2-whitebluered.webp
1001 Black Black 7 12 Adidas Breaknet 2.0 https://i.ibb.co/3S1WwKj/adidas-breaknet2-blackwhite.webp
1003 White White 6 5 Adidas Breaknet 2.0 https://i.ibb.co/JnxgLWL/adidas-breaknet2-whitebluered.webp
1003 White Black 6 5 Adidas Breaknet 2.0 https://i.ibb.co/3S1WwKj/adidas-breaknet2-blackwhite.webp
Here we can see that I'm getting a row for each p_col
value in the photos table, but I only want the p_col
from the corresponding st_col
. I should only have one row per item_id
This is what I expect:
item_id st_col p_col size stock_count brand model photo_url
1000 Black Black 6 11 Adidas Breaknet 2.0 https://i.ibb.co/3S1WwKj/adidas-breaknet2-blackwhite.webp
1001 Black Black 7 12 Adidas Breaknet 2.0 https://i.ibb.co/3S1WwKj/adidas-breaknet2-blackwhite.webp
1003 White White 6 5 Adidas Breaknet 2.0 https://i.ibb.co/JnxgLWL/adidas-breaknet2-whitebluered.webp