I've got a stored procedure that call another stored procedure. And i sometime get an error : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The COMMIT TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION.
At the advise of my teammate I plan to implement an error handling in the Try Catch that deals with this problem for both the stored procedure. Here is the Catch:
IF @@TRANCOUNT = 1 -- if this is the last tranasction - roll it back and close the transaction
IF @@TRANCOUNT > 1 -- if this is not the last tranasction - commit it and return to the previous transaction
THROW; -- in any case, throw the original error
i understand it deals with transaction that isn't closed if it's a nested procedure that way it can rollback and commit. and i try to understand what happens in each case:
- Main procedure running failed before running the nested procedure -
- Main procedure running failed after running the nested procedure that succeeded -
- Main procedure running and there is a failure in the nested procedure -
here what happens :
- catch on
IF @@TRANCOUNT = 1 -- if this is the last tranasction - roll it back and close the transaction
and rollback 2. what happens for this case? is it this case IF @@@@TRANCOUNT > 1 and if so what happens for the already nested transaction that was commited? 3. what happens for this case? it this case IF @@@@TRANCOUNT > 1 and all the transactions are rollbacked.
is my logic for 2 and 3 correct? and is this the right error handling for nested transactions in stored procedure?
? Also, what exactly is starting the transaction(s) - the .NET side, the parent procedure, the child procedure, or a combination of more than one...?