I would need to perform this kind of logic in a serializable way:
account table has columns: 'accountName', 'location', 'worth', ...
Assume no unique key exists.
Some accounts are logically (according to an application) in a same group.
accountNameOne - group1 accountNameTwo - group1
accountNewOne - group2 accountNewTwo - group2
There are many clients application trying to insert one account member of their group concurrenlty. I want to have the guarantee to insert only one account per group.
select *
from account
where accountName in (list of account names inside a group)
-- if result is not empty exit there's already an account of the group
-- otherwise we want to insert it
INSERT INTO account (accountName, column2, column3, ...)
VALUES ('accountInAGroup', value2, value3, ...);
As far as I know Repeatable reads isolation level cannot help in this, I am basically left with using SERIALIAZABLE I guess.
Can you help me understand if my reasoning here is correct ? Is Repeatable reads really not enough for this ?
is the answer.