I am optimizing SQL query performance by reordering a composite index in PostgreSQL. I need to understand potential repercussions, including space usage, data saving overhead, and any other impacts of this modification.
To address performance issue, I have implemented an approach involving reordering the composite index.
Details: Database: PostgreSQL Table Name: readingTable DDL Statement:
CREATE TABLE readingTable (
ts timestamp NOT NULL,
plant_id int8 NOT NULL,
instance_type varchar(30) NOT NULL,
instance_id int8 NOT NULL,
readings jsonb NULL,
CONSTRAINT idx_readingTable_pk PRIMARY KEY (ts, plant_id, instance_type, instance_id));
CREATE INDEX readingTable_ts_idx ON readingTable USING btree (ts DESC);
Table Data fromat:
ts | plant_id | instance_type | instance_id | readings |
2024-05-31 23:59:00.000 | 4 | ALARM | 1765 | [{"c": "ALARM_TAG_1", "d": "NUMBER", "s": "S15", "u": "kW/kWp", "v": null}, {"c": "ALARM_TAG_2", "d": "BOOLEAN", "s": "S00", "u": "AU", "v": "false"}, {"c": "ALARM_TAG_3", "d": "NUMBER", "s": "S00", "u": "kW/kWp", "v": "12.25"}] |
FROM readingTable, LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(readings) AS readings_data
WHERE plant_id = 2
AND instance_type = 'ALARM'
AND instance_id IN (1765)
AND ts BETWEEN '2024-05-01 00:00:00' AND '2024-05-30 23:59:00.000'
AND readings_data ->> 'c' IN ('ALARM_TAG_1')
ORDER BY ts, instance_id;
If I run the above query for idx_readingTable_pk(ts, plant_id, instance_type, instance_id)then it take time to execute query so I have updated the idx_readingTable_pk from (ts, plant_id, instance_type, instance_id) To (plant_id, instance_type, instance_id, ts).
In the updated index, I have reordered the sequence of the composite key because when a condition includes equality checks (=) and range/inequality checks (>, >=, <, <=, IN), the columns involved in equality checks should appear first in the index, with the inequality columns following.
Query to update idx_readingTable_pk:
-- Drop the old primary key constraint
ALTER TABLE readingTable
DROP CONSTRAINT idx_readingTable_pk;
-- Add the new primary key constraint with the updated column order
ALTER TABLE readingTable
ADD CONSTRAINT idx_readingTable_pk PRIMARY KEY (plant_id, instance_type, instance_id,ts);
This modification has led to an improvement in performance, as shown by the below statistics. In the image below, you can see that I have tested the query with both the old and new indexes across various date ranges, and you can observe the performance improvement.
- When the first executed the query to update the composite key order, does it update the existing index, create a new one, or both?
- Are there any space complexities involved, such as increased space requirements for storing the updated index compared to the old one?
- Does reordering the index introduce any overhead when saving data?
- Are there any other potential repercussions of modifying the composite index that I should be aware of?