
I have a table from which I generate a view Grouping By Year and summing the amounts, and I wonder if I could somehow include a "string sum" or "string concatenation" of the aggregated dates or months.

Example: this is the base table

ID | date | year | month | amount

This is the actual view

ID | year | sum(amount)

what I am looking for is an additional field with concatenates the months to 03,05,11 (for example or to something similar), if a year aggregates data from march, may and november

ID | year | sum(amount) | list_of_months

Is that possible or do I have to create helping views to aggregate that?

Edit: I was able to answer myself: Group_concat to the help as shown in the answer below

  • Please run show create table tableName and add the output on the question in text format. Add some data examples and expected result Commented Oct 31 at 15:52
  • Sorry I forgot to format the table-headers and it was badly legible. Nevertheless the example is so simple that with minor abstract thinking it should be possible. Also I was able to answer myself: I was looking for GROUP_CONCAT ('column' SEPARATOR ',') AS 'list_of_months' Commented Nov 1 at 16:08

1 Answer 1


Group_Concat to the help

    SUM(`amount`) AS `sum(amount)`,
    GROUP_CONCAT(`month` SEPARATOR ',') AS `list_of_months`
    FROM ...
    WHERE ...
    GROUP BY 'year'

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