I am building a simple database driven web application, but from reading so many books on the subject, I know that if my database is messed up, then my application too, will most likely be messed up.

So I thought I would check with the database design professionals, and get their help in reviewing what I have come up with before proceeding further.

The Application:

A website that will make available [ Event Information ] to the End User on a Google Map. The events in question are book signing events.

I figured, people read a lot (me one of them), and enjoy reading, and it would be nice to have a website where users can go:

  1. Type their post code (zip code), and get all events near them within a set mile radius.
  2. Type their favourite author name, and get all his/her events up on the world map.

Nice idea no? I think so anyway :)

Ok, so based on the above, I know that my event table must contain some geographical information, so I read this. And came up with something like this for my database.

  • One Event Can Host Many Book Authors
  • One Author Can Only attend One Event at a time.

ERD Diagram http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/6614/entityrelationshipdiagr.jpg

I realise that this is a simple database design, but my application (for now at least) has a really simple aim, and that is to display event information on a Google Map.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback, any pitfalls that I'll face in the future .. etc?

Thank You.


2 Answers 2


Usually, events are not infinite. There's more than one way to represent this in your database: either store an endTime, or a duration. You could make it optional if you don't want to force it on people, but if the event starts at 4 pm and someone shows up at 11 pm they will be disappointed that they missed the event, and your app was not obviously clear enough that the even ended at 9 pm. You might become the subject of their criticism (whether or not it's rational is a different matter).

You might also want to add a notes field that's just some text that anyone can add for special info for the event.

Also, this design does not allow for One Event Can Host Many Book Authors. From your diagram, it looks like one event can have exactly one author. You might need a new table such as this:


If you make this table have a composite key of event_id and author_id, it will allow you to have multiple records with the same event and different authors. Of course, you'll have to remove the author_id reference from events.

As for One Author Can Only attend One Event at a time., this one is a little trickier. Your current schema does not enforce this, but I suppose you could do it in your application. Or you could have an on-insert trigger on event_authors that first checks that the time duration of the new event for this author does not overlap any other events for the same author for different events.

  • 1
    Thanks so much, you have both been very helpful. Excellent point about Duration. If no duration is specified, then the default event run time is 2 hours (handled by code), otherwise it will be whatever is set. Based on both your feedback, I have revised my ERD. It now looks like this Better?
    – J86
    Commented Feb 21, 2013 at 14:46

An author is a legal person, same as an attendee, so you could put them in a Party table, and give them a Role, such as "author" or "attendee". A person could play the role of author or attendee or both.

An event occurs at a facility, which is a type of address.

An address is located at a postal/zip code, which is a geographic location. An address is also located in a city (or other geographic area), which is also a geographic location. Cities and postal codes do not have a hierarchical relationship.

If an event can host many authors, then you need an author_event junction table.

enter image description here

(Note: author_event.event_id should be integer not varchar)

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