I know this question has been asked probably a million times, so please forgive me asking it again. I am not a DBA and have very little knowledge of SQL and Derby, but need some kind of a solution as I am the only one responsible for getting this done:

Recursive query in Apache Derby 10.10 There is a table, storing basically a tree:

| id | parent_id | ... |
| 0  | null      | ... |
| 5  | 0         | ... |
| N  | K         | ... |

I need to make it look like this:

| id | parent_id | ... |
| 0  | null      | ... |
| 1  | 0         | ... |
| 15 | 1         | ... |
| 16 | 1         | ... |
| 2  | 0         | ... |
| 10 | 2         | ... |
| 11 | 2         | ... |
| N  | K         | ... |

Or a way to traverse and enumerate the tree in place.

Thank you.


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