I have a couple of database instances that are having the curious issue where tables and views do not show up in the all_objects dictionary which is causing some issue with certain schema viewing applications. Not all are missing, but there is only like a dozen of the 130 or so tables/views that are in the schema. If you query all_tables or all_views, they all show up just fine. If you select/update/delete with those tables, it works fine.

Any one know of what types of things I should be looking at that would cause this?

BTW, I am not the DB administrator to this DB, I'm just trying to figure this out for our client. I don't have full access to the DB.

  • Which Oracle version? Could you post your query against ALL_OBJECTS?
    – Emyl
    Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 15:26
  • @Emyl - the query was a simple SELECT * FROM ALL_OBJECTS WHERE OBJECT_TYPE IN ('TABLE','VIEW'); I did find the issue, though. Thanks.
    – MacAnthony
    Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 15:30
  • Try this: Use User_objects, give the objects for the current logged-in user. Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 20:17

2 Answers 2


I tracked it down to an SCHEMA.ALL_OBJECTS view attached to the schema that was restricting the tables rather than using the SYS.ALL_OBJECTS view.

  • 1
    Oops! Almost as nasty as creating a private dual with 2 rows :-) Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 15:44

Yes, all_objects (oracle-10g+), restricts data retrieval from views (even with grant-select-to-view privilege to user/role); Can be fixed by granting 'select any table' privilege to user/role. Also to get views, packages, functions and procedures you may need to grant 'select_catalog_role' privilege to user/role. Other privileges like 'resource', 'create session', 'create view' will not fix the problem for read/list views/package/functions etc....In short to fix select/list views/packages/functions/procedures provide user/role with 'select any table' and 'select_catalog_role' privileges (if site/dba policy/securities permit).

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