I have a terribly slow SSIS package. It's quite fast with one file, and reasonably fast with 100 files or fewer. (About one second per file)

However, if my directory has thousands of (very small) files, the process drags on terribly slowly. My preference is to run this process only after business hours, but by waiting until then, the number of flat files to import is in the thousands.

The package is very simple:

  • Outer Loop is For Every (file enumeration, read file path into variable)
  • Inside, simply import without any transformation to the data

That is it.

Performance with thousands of files is running 15 seconds or more per each file. The UI (status) is drawing/scrolling so slowly that I can't even see where it's at -- the stamped time is more than 15 hours old on an execution that was started 18 hours ago.

Version: MSSQL 2012

  • 2
    Have yo done anything with the TransactionOption (default is Supported) in the package?
    – billinkc
    Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 20:52
  • 1
    We had a similar question over on SO SSIS processing large amount of flat files is painfully slow but sadly, no resolution
    – billinkc
    Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 21:30
  • 2
    It might be interesting to disable the dataflow portion and just see how long it takes for the foreach enumerator to spin through all those files. I'd expect it's snappy
    – billinkc
    Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 21:43
  • 1
    Maybe an already tried suggestion, but move the files in numbered folders (each with 100 files) and process them one by one.
    – Marian
    Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 21:50
  • 1
    Is there any evidence to support the assumption that the number of files is the problem? What does this process do with the files? Are you inserting data into an ever growing heap or constantly fragmenting clustered table for example? Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 22:01

1 Answer 1


I think you're running into a limitation of the UI/debugger.

I created two packages: MakeAllTheFiles and ReadAllTheFiles

MakeAllTheFiles accepts as input the number of files to be created. It will make use of pseudo-random function to distribute the data across a number (7) of sub folder.


    public void Main()
        int NumberOfFilesToGenerate = (Int32)Dts.Variables["User::FilesToGenerate"].Value;
        string baseFolder = Dts.Variables["User::FolderInput"].Value.ToString();
        System.Random rand = null;
        int fileRows = 0;
        DateTime current = DateTime.Now;
        int currentRandom = -1;
        int seed = 0;
        string folder = string.Empty;
        string currentFile = string.Empty;

        for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfFilesToGenerate; i++)
            seed = i * current.Month * current.Day * current.Hour * current.Minute * current.Second;
            rand = new Random(seed);
            currentRandom = rand.Next();

            // Create files in sub folders
            folder = System.IO.Path.Combine(baseFolder, string.Format("f_{0}", currentRandom % 7));

            // Create the folder if it does not exist
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(folder))

            currentFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(folder, string.Format("input_{0}.txt", currentRandom));

            System.IO.FileInfo f = new FileInfo(currentFile);
            using (System.IO.StreamWriter writer = f.CreateText())
                int upperBound = rand.Next(50);
                for (int row = 0; row < upperBound; row++)
                    if (row == 0)
                        writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}|{1}", "Col1", "Col2"));                        }

                    writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}|{1}", row, seed));
        Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;


The general appearance of the package is thus

Read All The Files!

I have two Connection Managers defined: One is to my database and the other is to a Flat File with an Expression on the ConnectionString property such that it uses my Variable @[User::CurrentFileName]

Variables, I like lots of Variables so there are plenty.

enter image description here

My Execute SQL Task simply stands up a table for me to write to, knocking it down if it already exists.

    SELECT * FROM sys.tables AS T WHERE T.name = 'dbase_54462' AND T.schema_id = SCHEMA_ID('dbo')
    DROP TABLE dbo.dbase_54462;

    CurrentFile varchar(256) NOT NULL
,   Col1 int NOT NULL
,   Col2 varchar(50) NOT NULL

My Foreach Enumerator simply looks at everything in my Input folder based on the file mask of *.txt and traverses subfolders. The current file name is assigned to my variable @[User::CurrentFileName]`

enter image description here

The Data Flow is bog standard. The Derived Column Transformation there simply adds in the Current File Name variable into the data flow so I can record it in my table.

enter image description here


I'm lazy and didn't want to do anything special to record processing times so I deployed my packages into the SSISDB catalog and ran them from there.

This query looks at the catalog data to find out how long the package ran, how many files it processed and then generates a running average for file count. Run 10047 was bad and was excluded from analysis.

,   DATEDIFF(s, E.start_time, E.end_time) As duration_s
,   ES.rc AS FilesProcessed
,   AVG(ES.rc / (1.0 * DATEDIFF(s, E.start_time, E.end_time))) OVER (PARTITION BY ES.rc ORDER BY E.execution_id) AS running_average
    catalog.executions As E
            MIN(ES.start_time) As start_time
        ,   MAX(ES.end_time) AS end_time
        ,   count(1) As rc
        ,   ES.execution_id
            catalog.executable_statistics AS ES
        GROUP BY
    ) AS ES 
    ON ES.execution_id = E.execution_id
    E.package_name = 'ReadAllTheFiles.dtsx'
    AND E.execution_id <> 10047

The resulting data (gratuitous SQLFiddle)

execution_id    duration_s  FilesProcessed  running_average
10043   15  104 6.93333333333333
10044   13  104 7.46666666666666
10045   13  104 7.64444444444444
10050   102 1004    9.84313725490196
10051   101 1004    9.89186565715395
10052   102 1004    9.87562285640328
10053   106 1004    9.77464167060435
10055   1103    10004   9.06980961015412
10056   1065    10004   9.23161842010053
10057   1033    10004   9.38255038913446
10058   957 10004   9.65028792246735
10059   945 10004   9.83747901522255

Based on this sampling size, I see no appreciable difference between processing 100, 1000 or 10,000 files with SSIS as described herein.

Root cause assumption

Based on the comment about DTExecUI.exe that says you're running the package from within Visual Studio (BIDS/SSDT/name-of-the-week). To get the pretty color changes and debugging capability, the native execution (dtexec.exe) is wrapped up in the debugging process. That creates an appreciable drag on execution.

Use the design environment to create your packages and to run them for smaller data sets. Larger ones are best handled through the non-graphical & non-debugger execution interfaces (shift-F5 in VS, deploy to SSIS catalog and execution from there, or shell to the command line interface and use dtutil.exe)

  • 1
    I challenge your quote: "I'm lazy." It seems to me you're not. Great answer. I abandoned this quest to replace the SSIS with a CLR Stored Procedure which is smoking fast (as I suspect would happen if I deployed as you suggested in your closing paragraph). Thank you for such an articulate answer! Commented Feb 1, 2014 at 15:51
  • Certainly no laziness here 😃. Nice answer!
    – Jacques
    Commented Sep 1, 2022 at 11:51

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