Our DBA is on medical leave, I am just a developer trying to do my part. Initially, the bean counters were going to use quickbooks. However, after seeing how much time they could save with custom development they have creeped my scope.
Rather than having a quantity of a particular type of shoe in a given size (ShoeInventory.Quantity) each individual pair of shoes needs to be accounted for and thus be given an Id, LeatherCost, ManufacturingCost, InventoryCost and TotalCost.
My question: Is there any foreseeable problem if I just move LeatherCost, ManufacturingCost, InventoryCost and TotalCost from the Shoe table to the ShoeInventory table?
When an order of shoes arrives from a ShoeOrder I will then just add a record to ShoeInventory for each pair ordered rather than updating a quantity?
I have no reason to think that this is a bad idea but it seems to easy to actually be the right answer.