I have a product details table, the fields in the table are *Prod_Id, Product_Name, Quantity, Slno*. Now i have created trigger for varchar data type field and implemented auto increment for Prod_Id (Primary key) and for Slno. The output will be
Prod_Id -->>> PROD0001, PROD0002 and so on. Now if the product name is RACK it should create a id RACK_001 with the start two letters of the product name and auto increment automatically. For all Product name it should create accordingly,how to do this.
As of now i am using a trigger for auto increment in varchar data type. Help with the trigger code.
CREATE TRIGGER tg_product_details_INSERT
BEFORE INSERT ON product_details
INSERT INTO product_details_seq VALUES (NULL);
SET NEW.Created_Date = NOW();
SET NEW.Submitted_Date = NOW();
SET NEW.Slno = coalesce((select max(Slno) from product_details), 0) + 1;
SET NEW.Prod_id = CONCAT((NEW.Prefix), LPAD(LAST_INSERT_ID(), 3, '0'));
product name -->> BOOK, SHOE, DRESS, FURNITURE
for all book it should create a autoincrement id BOOK_001, BOOK_002 and for all Shoe it should create a autoincrement id like SHOE_001, SHOE_002 and so on...!!!
Thanks, Acube.
select max(Slno) from product_details
subquery will cause all your inserts to serialize? This is usually a terrible idea, which is why most RDBMSs provide some sort of auto_increment feature