I have multiple schemas that I need to query across. The schemas are not known in advance, for example:

  • U111
  • U222
  • U333

I need to select across these three schemas from a specific table in each of these schemas. Can I put this query across these three schemas? If so, how can I query across them? Remember, I will not know the schema names ahead of time, so they will need to be built dynamically.

  • You could write down a function that will query the pg_namespace table (which contains all the schemas in the DB) and then run the query against every table in the schema if exists. Commented Mar 22, 2014 at 16:14
  • Fabrizio, thank you for your respone. Is there is a way to accomplish this in a view instead of a function? Commented Mar 22, 2014 at 16:58
  • Is the table in all the schemas exactly the same? Commented Mar 22, 2014 at 17:10
  • Yes, all schemas will have the exact same tables with each table structured exactly the same. Commented Mar 22, 2014 at 17:12
  • 1
    Use dynamic SQL - PL/PgSQL with EXECUTE. Commented Mar 23, 2014 at 11:15

2 Answers 2


If you just need results from multiple schemas, you can re-use the same query string and set the search_path in between:

SET search_path = u111, public;
SET search_path = u222, public;

The schema search path search_path in Postgres works much like the search path a file system. Related:

If you need to combine results from multiple schemas (probably your use-case), you can either build the statement in your client or use a plpgsql function with dynamic SQL and EXECUTE. That's what I would do. Plain SQL does not allow parametrized identifiers (schema, table, column, ...).

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo(_schemas text[])
  RETURNS TABLE (bar int, baz text) AS  -- matching return type
   SELECT string_agg(format('SELECT bar, baz FROM %I.foo', sch)  -- your query here
                          , E'\nUNION ALL\n')
   FROM   unnest(_schemas) sch
$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Builds and executes a query of the following form dynamically:

SELECT bar, baz FROM u111.foo
SELECT bar, baz FROM u222.foo
SELECT bar, baz FROM u333.foo;

Schema names are escaped as identifiers properly to defend against SQL injection.

db<>fiddle here (returning query string as error msg instead of executing it)
Old sqlfiddle


If your table structures are the same, you could use table inheritance then create a master schema with all the table structures and have the others inherit table from that one: Here is an article we wrote describing the technique:


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