Like shown in another question, I deal with a lot (>10,000,000) entries of points in a 3D space. These points are defined like this:
CREATE TYPE float3d AS (
x real,
y real,
z real);
If I am not mistaken 3*8 bytes + 8 bytes padding are needed (MAXALIGN
is 8) to store one of these points. Is there a better way to store this kind of data? In the afore mentioned question it was stated that composite types involve quite some overhead.
I oftentimes do spatial queries like this:
SELECT, t1.parent_id, (t1.location).x, (t1.location).y, (t1.location).z,
t1.confidence, t1.radius, t1.skeleton_id, t1.user_id,, t2.parent_id, (t2.location).x, (t2.location).y, (t2.location).z,
t2.confidence, t2.radius, t2.skeleton_id, t2.user_id
FROM treenode t1
INNER JOIN treenode t2 ON
( ( = t2.parent_id OR t1.parent_id =
OR (t1.parent_id IS NULL AND =
WHERE (t1.LOCATION).z = 41000.0
AND (t1.LOCATION).x > 2822.6
AND (t1.LOCATION).x < 62680.2
AND (t1.LOCATION).y > 33629.8
AND (t1.LOCATION).y < 65458.6
AND t1.project_id = 1 LIMIT 5000;
A query like this takes about 160 ms, but I wonder if this could be reduced.
This is the table layout the structure is used in:
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | bigint | not null default nextval('location_id_seq'::regclass)
user_id | integer | not null
creation_time | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()
edition_time | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()
project_id | integer | not null
location | float3d | not null
editor_id | integer |
parent_id | bigint |
radius | real | not null default 0
confidence | smallint | not null default 5
skeleton_id | integer | not null
"treenode_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"treenode_parent_id" btree (parent_id)
"treenode_project_id_location_x_index" btree (project_id, ((location).x))
"treenode_project_id_location_y_index" btree (project_id, ((location).y))
"treenode_project_id_location_z_index" btree (project_id, ((location).z))
"treenode_project_id_skeleton_id_index" btree (project_id, skeleton_id)
"treenode_project_id_user_id_index" btree (project_id, user_id)
"treenode_skeleton_id_index" btree (skeleton_id)