I am working with a column 'LastUPDATE' in a database that is datatype of varchar2. This column is listed as YYYY/MM/DD-HH24:MI:SS:FF3 format. Example: '2012/09/06-21:17:30:019'
My first issue is that I cannot change the database or change this format due to the application that usses the data in this date and time format.
I need to know how I can work with only the date part, extracting it so that I can calulate the date from 30 days and so on.
I have been able to extract for the view by RegExpections but not able to get the data for calculation.
I am familar with Oracle because i have to work with the data in my work but not god at the date and time manipulation.
i have searched this site and others with no success on the same issue.
Can an Oracle person help me out. Oracle 11g Thank you E
to replace this column and recreate the columnLastUPDATE
as a virtual column.