how to calculate this values to get the best results to resolve this error "too many connection error mysql" and make my API faster in mysql
wait_timeout = ??
max_connections = ??
max_user_connections = ??
key_buffer = ??
query_cache_size = ??
query_cache_limit = ??
tmp_table_size = ??
table_cache = ??
max_concurrent_transactions ??
max_concurrent_queries ??
and in apache 2
ServerLimit ??
StartServers ??
MaxClients ??
MinSpareThreads ??
MaxSpareThreads ??
ThreadsPerChild ??
what values should i set to this variable to get the best performance
system specification
amazon RDS 100GB DB STORAGE db.t1.micro
1 amazon LBS having two node attached to it each with
amazon EC2 m1.small 1.7 GB RAM and 8 GB MAGNETIC HARD DISK