If I follow what you're saying correctly. You have db users in test, which are not in prod. When you restore from prod, all these users lose access.
At the moment you have a static script which puts all the access back after the restore. You need to do this more dynamically.
What I would do is:
- Before restoring the prod backup to test, run a script which dumps
user access, look at the code example below.
- Perform your restore & other scripts as per normal.
- Run the script output created in step 1. to put the access back for test.
Try to structure user access around roles if you haven't done so already. This will simply the process.
Here's a script I use:
print'use ' + DB_NAME()
print 'go'
declare @output nvarchar(max)
set @output = ''
select @output= @output +
'CREATE USER ' + QUOTENAME(mp.name) + ' FOR LOGIN ' + QUOTENAME(sp.name)
--, is_a_member_of_role_name=rpn.name
from sys.database_principals sp
inner join sys.database_principals mp on (mp.principal_id = sp.principal_id) AND mp.type <> 'R'
left outer join sys.database_role_members rm on (rm.member_principal_id = mp.principal_id)
left outer join sys.database_principals rpn on (rm.role_principal_id = rpn.principal_id) AND rpn.type = 'R'
inner join sys.database_principals rp on rm.role_principal_id = rp.principal_id
where mp.name not IN ('sys','dbo','guest')
group by mp.name, sp.name
print @output
print 'go'
set @output = ''
select @output= @output +
'EXEC sp_addrolemember ''' + rpn.name + ''',''' + mp.name + ''''
--, is_a_member_of_role_name=rpn.name
from sys.database_principals sp
inner join sys.database_principals mp on (mp.principal_id = sp.principal_id) AND mp.type <> 'R'
left outer join sys.database_role_members rm on (rm.member_principal_id = mp.principal_id)
left outer join sys.database_principals rpn on (rm.role_principal_id = rpn.principal_id) AND rpn.type = 'R'
inner join sys.database_principals rp on rm.role_principal_id = rp.principal_id
where mp.name not IN ('sys','dbo','guest')
group by mp.name, sp.name, rpn.name
print @output
print 'go'