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Reduce varchar column size in a production database

We have a database running on AWS Aurora Mysql with version 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.04.1 as a regional database. There is a table in it with a column with varchar size 200. We want to reduce it to varchar(...
Tanmay Sule's user avatar
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Getting OOM when trying to change id from int to bigint in MySQL w/ percona

We have 2.5tb table with id column as int in Aurora 3 (MySQL 8.0.26). We need to change it to bigint as ids will run out soon. We tested it with pt-online-schema-change and the server crashed because ...
Nir's user avatar
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Changing int column to bigint on table with blob column

I have an aws hosted RDS production table called external_documents as defined below. It has about 35k rows and each blob is about 0.5 MB. CREATE TABLE `external_documents` ( `id` bigint unsigned ...
mankowitz's user avatar
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Alter command showing syntax error in MySQL 8.0

Below is my Table schema create table employee( emp_id numeric(4), fname varchar(10), lname varchar(10), mgr_id numeric(4), hire_date date, job_id numeric(2), dept_id numeric(3) ); Now I want to use ...
Brijesh Roy's user avatar
3 votes
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mysql takes too long to just add a column

MySQL took 4.5 minutes to just add a column to a table having 150,000 rows. Is there anything wrong in it or this is just normal. Is there any other alternative to fasten things? ALTER TABLE job_posts ...
Pradyut Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Creating a foreign key on an empty MySQL InnoDB table takes a very long time

I have created a table called asset_versions: CREATE TABLE "asset_versions" ( "asset_id" int NOT NULL, "version" varchar(50) NOT NULL, "created_at" ...
GergelyPolonkai's user avatar
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How to alter column to make it primary key when one already exists mysql8?

id | bigint unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | title | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | | category | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL |...
analogbeing's user avatar
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Alter on huge table consumes all disk space

I'm running MySQL 8 on Ubuntu 19. I have a table that is 543G and I have to add a new column and index. I've started with the new column: alter table hugeTable add column newCol tinyint(1) after ...
Jerry Skidmore's user avatar
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Error Code: 1845. ALGORITHM=INSTANT is not supported for this operation. Try ALGORITHM=COPY/INPLACE

I upgraded to MySQL 8.0.13 and tried to add a new field using ALGORITHM=INSTANT but got the following error: Error Code: 1845. ALGORITHM=INSTANT is not supported for this operation. Try ALGORITHM=...
jithin giri's user avatar