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How can I tell if SQL Server is RDS, RDS Custom, or installed manually on a VM (EC2)?

I only have direct access to the SQL Server. How can I check if it's RDS, RDS Custom (which allow to connect to the VM), or installed manually on a VM (EC2)?
Astora's user avatar
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How to down size the storage of AWS RDS MySQL instance?

I have an RDS MySQL instance db.m5.4xlarge with 8.3TB of data, and I want to shrink it to 4TB to save costs because it actually has 4TB of data. What are the viable options? I've tried several methods,...
user26127523's user avatar
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What is the correct configuration for an RDS instance to allow for upgrades when the databases are very large?

I've been using Amazon RDS instances for Postgres databses for a while, but I haven't had to do a lot of upgrading on large databases until recently. I hit an issue where one database was hundreds of ...
trueCamelType's user avatar
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Unable to connect to AWS mysql RDS instance

I created an AWS mySQL RDS instance (free tier), but i am unable to connect to it from workbench or cli. I have enabled public access to the DB while creation and allowed "All traffic" while ...
Ankit Rustagi's user avatar
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SQL Server Combine Partioned Backups Files to One?

Scenario: Every day you receive a SQL Server 2016 database backup set that is composed of multiple partitioned .bak files of size 1GB each: backup1.bak (1GB) backup2.bak (1GB) backup3.bak (1GB) ... ...
gbeaven's user avatar
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Amazon RDS MySQL - write throughput limited to 15 MB / s

We are duplicating the data inside a rather Amazon RDS MySQL big table, about 2 GB of data. We are doing that by having batches of 30 entries moved at a time (INSERT INTO etc SELECT FROM ... LIMIT x ...
zozo's user avatar
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We're currently running Multi-AZ SQL SERVER (Mirroring) and would like to turn READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT on. It doesn't look like this option is available in the parameter group or rdsadmin stored ...
user1473443's user avatar
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Refresh materialized view on Postgresql 11 on RDS

We are currently on Postgres 11.13 on AWS RDS. I am trying to create a materialized view that takes about 6-7 minutes to run. What is the best way to keep this MV mostly up to date? I was thinking of ...
Asif's user avatar
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AWS RDS SQL Server Instance, Question in Maintenance Plan

New to cloud and have questions on AWS RDS SQL Server Instance, Question in Maintenance Plan. As a DBA team we are expecting RDS access and admin access on SQL box. But was limited with setupadmin ...
user1424196's user avatar
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Cannot restore the snapshot due to option group issue

There's an rds instance which uses ms sql ee with a database that uses TDE The rds itself is configured with the option group which has the TDE option within it and the snapshot gets created with the ...
nzajqqsmgwettpozoi's user avatar
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How to export data from AWS RDS MySQL database and import to an other AWS RDS MySQL database instance

I am looking for the best way to export data from one MySQL DB instance of RDS an import into a different one automatically. Any ideas?
Jordi Gallego's user avatar
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Postgres select on a very large table

We've a very large table with more than 2.2 billion rows at present on Postgres 12.5. The total size of the table (including index) stands at 500 GB. There is one query that we need to do in order to ...
Rahul Sharma's user avatar
-1 votes
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AWS RDS snapshot restore from west to east

have query related to snapshot restore . my rds snasphot are copied everday from west to east region everyday after automated daily rds backups task gets completed. However however last one month ...
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4 answers

Migrating MySQL 8.0.20 database to AWS Aurora

I originally posted this question on stack overflow as I did not know this service existed and someone suggested I may get a better answer here. I was trying to use the AWS RDS Proxy service and ...
WK123's user avatar
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Unable to connect to an AWS RDS read replica of MySQL

I'm not able to connect to an AWS RDS MySQL read replica. $ mysql -h -umyname ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'my-db-...
Brian's user avatar
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Amazon Athena database -- is there a way to generate an Data Schema for Amazon ML in an automated way

Amazon Athena database -- is there a way to generate an Data Schema for Amazon ML in an automated way (e.g. a SQL command that would generate the Amazon-format) Please see:
JosephDoggie's user avatar
-1 votes
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Connecting to RDS MySQL from command line sometimes fails -- why?

I have used RDS for many years, and MySQL for even longer, so I am very familiar with both -- yet, I am running into an odd thing that I cannot figure out. Wondering if someone can help. I have 2 ...
CharlieBucket's user avatar
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Limiting user access by subnet to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

How do I limit user access by IP? For example, assuming I have two non-superusers (user1 and user2), how can allow general access (only limited by security groups) to the instance/cluster by user1 but ...
Miles Elam's user avatar
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How do I stop Amazon Web Service's RDS from locking out connections during backups?

I've been using RDS for years, and this only became an issue a few months ago. I was pulling my hair out trying to find the source of the issue... only to figure out it's suddenly RDS. I've made no ...
sadtaco's user avatar
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Do I need SQS queues to store remote data in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud?

My first question is, do I need SQS queues to receive my remote data, or can it go directly into an Amazon cloud storage solution like S3 or EC2? Currently, my company uses a third-party vendor to ...
Sean McCarthy's user avatar