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Postgres: How to select rows, grouping by rows with same column field into one row, with pagination

I've a table, with fields like id batchId senderId recipientId uuid1 uuid uuid5 uuid7 uuid2 uuid uuid5 uuid8 uuid3 uuid2 uuid6 uuid9 I need to select rows with pagination, but handling rows with ...
Sendoff74's user avatar
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3 answers

Select object from first table, who doesn`t have true in second

I have table with objects uuid name 98665e5a-e1cb-4bf7-93fa-a8d13983f358 object and another table with information about enabled this object and another object together uuid_from_table_upper ...
smdsa1337's user avatar
1 vote
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update with group column in the same table

I try to assign random value in ref column. You can see my try in Result should be : ref prod 23 prodA 23 prodA 12 prodB 12 prodB 12 prodB 23 prodA 7 prodC 23 ...
pasqal's user avatar
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How to select 3 rows, using offset & limit, but merge rows with same ID

SELECT message."id" AS "id" , message."transactionId" AS "transactionId" , "ids" , message"createdAt" AS "createdAt&...
Никита Панин's user avatar
1 vote
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Insert missing rows after counting by group

This is similar to Postgresql group by and count() problem, missing row with 0 result but different in genesis and details. I have a table of temperatures in Celsius and dates and I use ...
Charlie Clark's user avatar
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In Postgres, duplicate rows on a column are not detected by select group by, but unique index built is failing with duplicate values

I have a table with users and column username. I am trying to build an index on the users#username column but it is failing with an error for a duplicate value. The value detected is an Arabic ...
p.matsinopoulos's user avatar
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Distinct based on window function (sort curiosity or wrong problem approach)

A lot of values are stored in values. The data is in a hierarchical order, so there could be a probe, on which some measurements have been performed. Many points have been archived with strain and ...
lrahlff's user avatar
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Limit results of complex query to most frequent values in given attribute

Say that you have the following tables for a multi store platform CREATE TABLE orders ( id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, store_id BIGINT NOT NULL, ordered_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT ...
nbon's user avatar
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Postgresql group by multiple columns

Let's say I have this table: sellerid buyerid price abc xyz 100.00 abc xyz 500.00 ikj abc 200.00 ikj abc 300.00 And I need to get the sum of price for each id (sellerid and buyerid): id total ...
Exrotz's user avatar
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Adding subtotals using GROUPING SETS

For a data table I would like to create the following table: store department gender workers_count A Light Male 10 A Light Female 5 A Plumbing Male 20 A Plumbing Female 0 2 35 B Food Male 12 ...
gbox's user avatar
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4 votes
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PostgreSQL equivalent to Oracle's ANY_VALUE(...) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST/LAST ORDER BY ...)

There's a technique in Oracle SQL that can be used to simplify aggregation queries: Aggregate on a particular column, but get information from a different column, using a simple calculated column in ...
User1974's user avatar
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Select columns from joined tables, group or distinct by a single column, and order by another column

Here's essentially what I'm trying to do: SELECT deals.*, retailers.title AS retailer_title, ST_Distance(retailers.lonlat, 'SRID=4326;POINT(-118.4104684 34.1030032)' :: geography, 15 * ...
JohnDoe1999's user avatar
1 vote
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Group by Rollup not rolling up - Except in 1 case

I want to perform a group by rollup calculation (I know varchar as ID is bad - it's out of my control) The query is correct insofar as each individual department but the sub-departments are not being ...
N0ug4t's user avatar
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Creating a table from a GROUP BY uses a lot of temporary disk space - can it be avoided?

I've got a table with ~2 billions rows of data, and I would like to make another table with some aggregates. It looks like PostgreSQL uses temporary disk space for these queries. I can create the ...
Michal Charemza's user avatar
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Use skip scan index to efficiently select unique permutations of columns in Postgres

I've already read this excellent answer for emulating skip scan index to retrieve the distinct values for a single column. This is blazingly fast. Now what I'm trying to do is to retrieve unique ...
hunter's user avatar
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[Resolved]: How to define the query for group by when using jsonb_query_path functions in the SELECT

I am trying to define the following GROUP BY query and need some help. I am using PostgreSQL DB table with a jsonb column select count(*), policynumber from ( select 'My ...
adbdkb's user avatar
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PgSql: how could I achive a group by that checks any match on any of two columns?

I am trying to implement a NMS filter for labels in a Database. NMS is a filter that removes redundant squares. On the image provided we can see there is only one tree, but there are three labels ...
J Pablo F's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why is GROUP BY clause requiring the value?

When we write 'group by' in any relational database the syntax always requires the values. Can't we make the syntax a little simple by not mandatory to provide group by values? Any columns mentioned ...
Gokul's user avatar
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Aggregate query for pairs of arrays of events

db<>fiddle for all of the data and queries below I have a table events with the following structure: create table events ( correlation_id char(26) not null, user_id bigint, ...
Moshe Katz's user avatar
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Postgresql - how to use bool_and with group by

I have the following schema, that represent collection of messages, where each message can have multiple items (at least 1). Every item belongs to a message. Items can change over time. CREATE TABLE ...
Dikla's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to transpose values from one column into columns with a value from a different column?

I have a database with the following structure: Date role type duration 2022-04-16 Nurse Food preparation 45 2022-04-17 Nurse Cleaning 30 2022-04-17 Volunteer Cleaning 20 2022-04-17 Nurse Food ...
Brylie Christopher Oxley's user avatar
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How to map child (leaf-level) nodes to specific parents with/without ltree for aggregations?

What would be the best way to aggregate across hierarchies? I am using Postgres and have the following 3 tables (folder, folder_hierarchies, and work) - folder Column Type Description folder_id (pk)...
GopherGopher's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I split an array between GROUP BY groups?

I'm trying to create a query which will put some rows in multiple groups. I'm doing this by generating an array that contains both categories I want to group by. Here's my query so far (slightly ...
iconoclast's user avatar
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How to get the functionality of sqlplus' "BREAK ON" in Postgres?

Is there a way to separate a query that has a group by attribute in Postgres in a fashion similar to sqlplus? Assuming I have branches of my company in every country, is there a way to have a separate ...
Majd's user avatar
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db query error: pq: column "systemevents.receivedat" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

When running the following query I receive an error: SELECT $__timeGroupAlias(receivedat,$__interval), SUBSTRING(message, '(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}') AS the_address, COUNT (message) AS ip ...
Irakli's user avatar
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Postgresql group by aliased jsonb field

I'm trying to group by the result of a jsonb operation on an aliased field, but getting an error I would not expect. The following work as expected: select jsonb_build_object('x', 1) as a group by a; ...
jstaab's user avatar
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How can I group multiple records as a single .csv string line?

I have a relation where a User has multiple dogs (as many as 15) but each dog is contained in a single row in the table, and they all have a userId in common. For example, Table `dogs`: | User | ...
Kamilski81's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use ORDER BY and LIMIT inside JSON_AGG

I have a query which returns a desired output. SELECT shop, JSON_AGG(item_history.* ORDER BY created_date DESC) as data FROM item_history GROUP BY shop; Results: [ { "shop&...
lrai's user avatar
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GROUP BY, but use only one row per user

I've spent several hours to make a "simple" SELECT with GROUP BY in Postgres without success. The GROUP BY clause is giving me problems. I have the table cities with columns user_id and city....
Wonton's user avatar
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Speeding up PostgreSQL GroupAggregate

I currently have two tables. UserRoll (447.633 rows) and UserRollResult (4.476.330 rows). First table contains data of who rolled, where it was rolled, when it was rolled, etc as well as a identifying ...
Dimbreath's user avatar
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How to conditionally create JSON array in postgres with group by clause?

I am using Postgresql 13.0 and have a table category as follows: cat_id | cat_name | piece | weight | is_tag_stock -------------------------------------------- 4 | cat1 | 20 | 10 | ...
Sunny's user avatar
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Posgres database requires a group by clause. (column \"\" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function",)

I have 2 tables, agents and candidates. The candidates table has a foreign key "agent_id". I want to get all agents and aggregate the candidate counts on each agent object; the different ...
savagemechanic's user avatar
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How can I update query to use GROUP BY instead of DISTINCT while still preserving ORDER BY?

Trying to make this query more performant (basically I need to have distinct speech_ids from the speech_candidate table while at the same time counting the number of duplicate speech_ids for each of ...
AdjunctProfessorFalcon's user avatar
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Unexpected behaviour for GROUP BY query

CREATE TABLE public.temp ( id integer, a integer, b integer, x integer ); select x, a, b from temp group by id, a, b; ends up with expected error: ERROR: column "temp.x&...
mpapec's user avatar
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Group by with a break on date

I am trying to group data on homogenous periods of time (not sure this is clear). Here is a simplified example of my data: CREATE TABLE workhours_over_time ( worker varchar, ...
alci's user avatar
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Select records and related entity count

Given the following select that will count related entities for every record SELECT MAIN.*, SUB.app_count FROM my_table_view MAIN LEFT JOIN (SELECT MAIN2.p_key, count(...
Bax's user avatar
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Selecting non-aggregate column on 3 table inner join

I have 3 tables in a standard parent/child kind of "belongs to" relationship in postgres: donations --(belong to)--> campaigns --(belong to)--> organisations Each table has an id ...
ChrisJ's user avatar
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Count percentage of column with GROUP BY

Consider the following query: SELECT country , count(id) AS "count" FROM lead WHERE date_part('year', lead.since) = date_part('year', CURRENT_DATE) GROUP BY "country" ORDER BY "count" DESC ; ...
Fabien Snauwaert's user avatar
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Using rank in postgresql

With this query in postgresql WITH ExtractedPosition AS ( SELECT P.rider_id, P.start_date, P.day_index, P.start_hour, P.end_hour, extract(...
Prashin Jeevaganth's user avatar
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Return previous running total when value is null in a time series

This is a continuation of a previous question, where table definition and sample data can be found. (Huge thanks to @Erwin Brandstetter for the help there). All of this is being done on a PostgreSQL ...
parchambeau's user avatar
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Generate multiple running totals with GROUP BY day

I have a set of transactions of stock purchases by users and I want to keep track of a running balance of each stock as the year progresses. I am using a windowing function to track the running ...
parchambeau's user avatar
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Aggregating data by group and time gaps

I've got a postgresql+postgis database filled with GPS data: CREATE TABLE "my_table" ( "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "gps_id" text NOT NULL, "lat" numeric NOT NULL, "lon" ...
RedM's user avatar
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PostgreSQL error: "subquery uses ungrouped column"

I have a query with subqueries that use only elements from the GROUP BY clause: SELECT DATE(cm.created_at) as "date", COUNT(1) as total_message, room_id, (SELECT ...
yozawiratama's user avatar
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MAX with group by by 2 columns

I have a query create table film_actor ( actor_id integer, film_id integer); create table film ( film_id integer, title varchar); create table actor ( actor_id integer, ...
Kirill Berlin's user avatar
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Avoid Sort on Indexed Group By caused by DATE_TRUNC

Is there a way to avoid Sort operation for GROUP BY, caused by the DATE_TRUNC function not being recognized as tstamp, which is a part of the ix index? That function doesn't really affect the order ...
Nikola's user avatar
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How to create month ranges without using a specific date in Postgresql

What's the best way to create month ranges without using specific dates? For example, today is April the 4th and I want to calculate the sales rate of the past 12 months, that I can run every month ...
ColRow's user avatar
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postgresql cumulative counts in date range

I'm trying to get the cumulative count of rows (by group_id) between two dates that represent a time period where the row was active. I have a table like this: group_id | id | type | start_date ...
jacaetevha's user avatar
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How to group rows while filtering out values per each group?

Imagine you have the following setup: CREATE TABLE namechanges ( id text, new_name text, change_date timestamp ); INSERT INTO namechanges VALUES ('x', 'alice', '2020-03-01'), ('y', 'Bob T.'...
fiatjaf's user avatar
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Postgresql group by for many columns

I have such query: SELECT "Movie"."title", "Movie"."id", "Movie"."publicationDate", "Movie"."authorID", "Author"."photoURL" as "authorPhoto", concat("Author"."...
Paweł Madej's user avatar
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Postgres fetch exact value when satisfied all conditions

Here are the table structure and sample data. CREATE TABLE public.product ( id serial NOT NULL, opid int4 NULL, opvalue int4 NULL, info ...
5a01d01P's user avatar
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