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Questions tagged [liquibase]

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Does setting a default value for Alter Table in Postgres make the query significantly slower?

We had an incident very recently that caused our service to be unavailable for some minutes. Here is the liquibase script that led to the incident: <addColumn tableName="registration"> ...
leventunver's user avatar
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pg_largeobject is empty after droping a table with BLOBS

So we have a springboot app using a postrgressql db. We used to have some data that were mapped as CLOBs and BLOBs. Since we decided to move away from large objects we migrated the database and while ...
physicsuser's user avatar
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Column ___ of relation ___ does not exist in csv migration -- is Liquibase ignoring the schema I configured?

edit: I fought this too long and went with SQL insert statements instead, since I was generating the CSV from a JS script it was easy to translate over. I think there's a bug in this loadData command. ...
jcollum's user avatar
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Liquibase on Oracle SQLcl - table and index drops not being propagated

I've been using Oracle's SQLcl, specifically the lb command to use Liquibase, for the last day or so to use for versioning my development, staging and production databases, which are using Oracle's ...
Ash Oldershaw's user avatar
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Is there any way to clear all tables using Liquibase?

I'm currently using Liquibase for creating test data in my database before each test run. I came across a problem where some of the test cases need special data, while others need the tables to be ...
gilaras's user avatar
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