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Questions tagged [mysql-fabric]

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Why Mysql Fabric is end of life, and what is an alternative?

Recently I am looking for an application level Sharding solution for MySql, and come across Mysql Fabric, but after some investigation, I find it was already announced to be end of life. It seems ...
Wayne Wang's user avatar
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MySQL sharding and stored procedures

Is there a way to dispatch stored procedure invocation on particular shard, based on sharding key (passed as procedure argument or somehow separately)? For example we have a table, sharded between 3 ...
silent-box's user avatar
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Running MySQL Router with Fabric

I've setup replication and failover with MySQL Fabric, and everything it's working fine; now I need to give access to the personal that access the database, I'm trying to use MySQL Router, but in ...
Mauricio Cacho's user avatar
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MySQLfabric -- Manage setup problem

MySQL fabric does not get configured , getting these errors : [mysql@dev-dm-gitest101z /root]# mysqlfabric manage setup Error : [INFO] 1413953890.788408 - MainThread - Initializing persister: user (...
Mahesh Patil's user avatar
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What's the difference between MySQL Fabric and MySQL Cluster

I'm new to the MySQL world and was confused by the two. Don't they both provide high availability and sharding? Also, how does WebScaleSQL compare?
Mark13426's user avatar
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Avoiding MySQL Fabric to become a single point of failure

I managed to install and configure MySQL Fabric that manages multiple MySQL Server nodes. It works very well since I tested it by connecting to the Master node directly and played with the data (...
Nabeel's user avatar
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