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Questions tagged [mysqladmin]

MySQL Administrative Operations Client

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MySQL innodb RAM usage increasing day by day

We have MySQL (version 8.x) with InnoDB engine. We were doing weekly MySQL restart (for rotating log files, like slow-query, error log etc) earlier and our RAM usage was in under control. Sometime ...
Kishor's user avatar
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service mysql reload results 'Access denied', but service mysql start works

Using Debian 10.10. I have a MySQL problem. service mysql reload results 'Access denied' service mysql start executes correctly. All databases are working correctly after starting mysql. Strange, ...
klor's user avatar
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MySQL 8.0 - Could not acquire management access - Administration issue

I am using MySQL Workbench for many months, it was working fine. Today, when I tried to open Server Status in the MANAGEMENT tab, below error occurred. MYSQL80 and Windows Management Instrumentation ...
vicky's user avatar
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Can only execute mysqladmin as root account created with unix socket, all other accounts fail

I have a new install of MariaDB 10.2.27 on RHEL7. Our security scans have flagged the root account, so we have modified the name to orgdba, assigning all of the applicable privileges. I have not ...
Sarah Robb's user avatar
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unable to login to mysql console for non root unix users

My Issues is that when I am logged in as a normal user on unix server and then try to login as MySQL root. It throws below error but when I am logged in as root to unix server and then try to connect ...
aroosh's user avatar
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Noob question about user accounts

I'm new to this whole database thing. Got a uni project which I was hoping y'all could help with. So I'm creating a webapp that is essentially an online art gallery store. The database will contain ...
Fitzatron's user avatar
3 votes
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Changing the administrative user on mysql from `root` to something else

Just installed mysql on Ubuntu - sudo apt-get install mysql-server sudo apt-get install mysql-client As part of the installation process, I provided a password for the root user. I can now log in ...
user2490003's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to fix high memory usage of MariaDB?

I am using MariaDB(10.1.21) with following storage engines: InnoDB TokuDB Spider Engine System Configuration is : 3GB RAM Dual Core Processor I have tried pt-mysql-summary tool to identify the ...
Abhishek Ginani's user avatar
3 votes
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wait_timeout kills session in SLEEP MODE or all connection ?`

Do wait_timeout session clear all running session or only sessions which are in SLEEP mode for specified seconds ?
simplifiedDB's user avatar
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table_name.ibd file size is increasing ( MySQL 5.7.7 Enterprise) ( Innodb Engines)

I am using MySQL 5.7.17 Enterprise edition in RHEL with configuration innodb_file_per_table=ON . So now here i have 2 question : Instead of ibd file per table ,i can see ibdata1,ib_logfile1,...
simplifiedDB's user avatar
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Database ExecuteSQL(MySQL client run out of memory)

I've an online game the game server execute more than 1M queries [ SELECT , REPLACE , UPDATE ] every 10 sec the problem the memory usage still increasing i dun know why ?? i mean if we suppose that ...
JORDAN MI's user avatar
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how to update information_schema.tables in mysql [duplicate]

i have a table A and i want to update the creation time of this table. I understand i cant simple update ( using update query) as it is not any table. Is there any way i can update it. for example ...
simplifiedDB's user avatar
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Is it possible to take the table level backup in mysql using any of the script?

I am new to MySQL and I am in need of the script which is taking backup of multiple tables from the multiple databases in single file in MySQL?
Azhagiri's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it safe to "FLUSH STATUS" in mysql?

We have deployed REDIS to hold some frequent query result to reduce number of connections made on Database server. We need to find out Max_used_connection after deploying REDIS. So we plan to reset ...
sudalai's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

error 2013 (hy000) lost connection to mysql server during query while load of mysqldump

I'm trying to load mysqldump and I keep getting following error: ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line X: Lost connection to MySQL server during query /etc/my.cnf: [mysqld] max_allowed_packet = 16M ...
alexus's user avatar
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I have strange problem, we are using circulation replication, between 2 different network with 5.6.25 and 5.6.22 version of MySQL and RAM is 64GB with 45GB innodb_buffer_pool Master Server is running ...
AmitPatel's user avatar
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5 answers

Replication in same server within different databases. Mysql 5.6

What I have : a windows machine with one instance of MySQL 5.6 Server. two database named test and test2. Test database has a table called activity with columns id and class What I need : ...
simplifiedDB's user avatar
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server running- mysqladmin error- Development Source Tree

I'm frustrated! I have installed mysql using Development Source Tree(version 5.7.5) in Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit. Starting I started mysql in safe mode using: mysqlnew@dpaks:~$ mysqld_safe & [1] 4548 ...
dpaks's user avatar
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mysqladmin - u root -p ping is not executing

I am getting the below error in mysql while trying to ping. i am using mysql version 5.5.37-0ubuntu0.12.04.1. when ever i use mysqladmin i am getting the below error. Please suggest how to clear this ...
Karthick's user avatar
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How to resolve "Error log file size is increasing in mysql 5.5" issue w/o restarting mysql

I have an Ubuntu server with MySQL 5.5 installed. In /var/lib/mysql a .err file is kept on updating with these warnings only: [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Temporary ...
simplifiedDB's user avatar
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XML dump of MySQL database don't include foreign key constraints. What can be the reason? sqldump(.sql) file list it

I am accessing schema information of databases in XML format. I am taking dump of the database in XML format using the command below. mysqldump --no-data --xml -u root -p bakerydb > bakerydb.xml ...
Nikunj Shukla's user avatar
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mysql 5.6 GTID replication 'Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log'

I Checked SHOW SLAVE STATUS error is "'Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: ''The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master ...
lalit's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

mysqladmin not taking inline password

I am trying to set a cron job for taking backup from my slave machine. So I need to stop the slave I issued a command mysqladmin --user=root --password=test_pass stop-slave But it is throwing ...
Praveen Prasannan's user avatar
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Information about Disk Storage MySQL

I am trying to create an application for monitoring MySQL,in my application there's a part of monitor DISK STORAGE, so after more research I have not found how to calculate : used and free size of ...
dardar.moh's user avatar
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Can't change root password: "The system cannot find the file specified."

I'm trying to change the root password in MySQL on my development machine (I've just installed MySQL, so it currently doesn't have a password), but it keeps failing with the following error message: ...
Sébastien's user avatar
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How to enable SSL in MySQL on Windows?

I'm a student doing a project which uses JDBC and MySQL (on Windows). I have an application with connects to a MySQL server on a remote host. To have a secure connection, I found this : http://www....
Roronoa's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

MySQL replication - slave update

I have a master-slave setup of MySQL. If I make any changes in the slave database... Will it mess up the sync in any way ? Will the changes get overwritten from the master during the next ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Bi-directional replication for the same MySQL table

AppA stores/retrieves data from dbA.tableA AppB stores/retrieves data from dbB.tableA tableA definition is the same across these databases. To start with dbB.tableA was copied from dbA.tableA (...
Rpj's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How does one change the default socket used by mysqladmin?

How does one change the default socket used by mysqladmin? I don't see a section for [mysqladmin] in /etc/my.cnf. It tries by default to connect to /tmp/mysql.sock, however, this is not the socket ...
robguinness's user avatar
2 votes
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How do you set the MySQL password on Mac OS X?

I've downloaded mysql 5.25 on mac os x Lion (10.7.4). I just tried setting my password in the usual way, however I'm getting an access denied error which is odd: [user@Macintosh:~] #mysqladmin -uroot ...
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How to properly stop MySQL server on Mac OS X?

I installed MySQL Community Server following instructions at with the Startup Item and the MySQL Preference Pane. I can stop the ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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mysqladmin user account not secure?

I still playing with my own DB trying to learn and saw this: I could change the root password without any problem at all... If I'm in the server I can create an algorithm to start testing password ...
jcho360's user avatar
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mysqladmin debug writes out Current locks but PROCESSLIST and INNODB STATUS don't show any

I'm using the 1.1.8 mysql-cacti-templates to gather metrics on MySQL 5.0.77 (CentOS 5.7). Both the InnoDB Current Lock Waits and InnoDB Lock Structures graphs are charting with Cur[rent] values but ...
HTTP500's user avatar
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